CC2530 基于home 1.2.2例程,按照下面的方法添加自己的按键
else // !OB_COLD
/* Initialize Key stuff */
#if defined (ISR_KEYINTERRUPT)
HalKeyConfig(HAL_KEY_INTERRUPT_ENABLE , OnBoard_KeyCallback);
HalKeyConfig(HAL_KEY_INTERRUPT_ENABLE , OnBoard_KeyCallback);
YiKai Chen:
回复 YiKai Chen:
HalKeyConfig 如下,三个按键有一个是可以中断的,另外两个不行,即SW6可以,SW7和SW8不行void HalKeyConfig (bool interruptEnable, halKeyCBack_t cback) {/* Enable/Disable Interrupt or */Hal_KeyIntEnable = interruptEnable;/* Register the callback fucntion */pHalKeyProcessFunction = cback;/* Determine if interrupt is enable or not */if (Hal_KeyIntEnable){/* Rising/Falling edge configuratinn */PICTL &= ~(HAL_KEY_SW_6_EDGEBIT);/* Clear the edge bit *//* For falling edge, the bit must be set. */#if (HAL_KEY_SW_6_EDGE == HAL_KEY_FALLING_EDGE)PICTL |= HAL_KEY_SW_6_EDGEBIT;#endif/* Interrupt configuration:* - Enable interrupt generation at the port* - Enable CPU interrupt* - Clear any pending interrupt*/HAL_KEY_SW_6_ICTL |= HAL_KEY_SW_6_ICTLBIT;HAL_KEY_SW_6_IEN |= HAL_KEY_SW_6_IENBIT;HAL_KEY_SW_6_PXIFG = ~(HAL_KEY_SW_6_BIT); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////* Rising/Falling edge configuratinn */PICTL &= ~(HAL_KEY_SW_7_EDGEBIT);/* Clear the edge bit *//* For falling edge, the bit must be set. */#if (HAL_KEY_SW_7_EDGE == HAL_KEY_FALLING_EDGE)PICTL |= HAL_KEY_SW_7_EDGEBIT;#endif/* Interrupt configuration:* - Enable interrupt generation at the port* - Enable CPU interrupt* - Clear any pending interrupt*/HAL_KEY_SW_7_ICTL |= HAL_KEY_SW_7_ICTLBIT;HAL_KEY_SW_7_IEN |= HAL_KEY_SW_7_IENBIT;HAL_KEY_SW_7_PXIFG = ~(HAL_KEY_SW_7_BIT); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////* Rising/Falling edge configuratinn */PICTL &= ~(HAL_KEY_SW_8_EDGEBIT);/* Clear the edge bit *//* For falling edge, the bit must be set. */#if (HAL_KEY_SW_8_EDGE == HAL_KEY_FALLING_EDGE)PICTL |= HAL_KEY_SW_8_EDGEBIT;#endif/* Interrupt configuration:* - Enable interrupt generation at the port* - Enable CPU interrupt* - Clear any pending interrupt*/HAL_KEY_SW_8_ICTL |= HAL_KEY_SW_8_ICTLBIT;HAL_KEY_SW_8_IEN |= HAL_KEY_SW_8_IENBIT;HAL_KEY_SW_8_PXIFG = ~(HAL_KEY_SW_8_BIT); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////* Rising/Falling edge configuratinn */HAL_KEY_JOY_MOVE_ICTL &= ~(HAL_KEY_JOY_MOVE_EDGEBIT);/* Clear the edge bit *//* For falling edge, the bit must be set. */#if (HAL_KEY_JOY_MOVE_EDGE == HAL_KEY_FALLING_EDGE)HAL_KEY_JOY_MOVE_ICTL |= HAL_KEY_JOY_MOVE_EDGEBIT;#endif/* Interrupt configuration:* - Enable interrupt generation at the port* - Enable CPU interrupt* - Clear any pending interrupt*/HAL_KEY_JOY_MOVE_ICTL |= HAL_KEY_JOY_MOVE_ICTLBIT;HAL_KEY_JOY_MOVE_IEN |= HAL_KEY_JOY_MOVE_IENBIT;HAL_KEY_JOY_MOVE_PXIFG = ~(HAL_KEY_JOY_MOVE_BIT);/* Do this only after the hal_key is configured - to work with sleep stuff */if (HalKeyConfigured == TRUE){osal_stop_timerEx(Hal_TaskID, HAL_KEY_EVENT);/* Cancel polling if active */}}else/* Interrupts NOT enabled */{HAL_KEY_SW_6_ICTL &= ~(HAL_KEY_SW_6_ICTLBIT); /* don't generate interrupt */HAL_KEY_SW_6_IEN &= ~(HAL_KEY_SW_6_IENBIT);/* Clear interrupt enable bit */HAL_KEY_SW_7_ICTL &= ~(HAL_KEY_SW_7_ICTLBIT); /* don't generate interrupt */HAL_KEY_SW_7_IEN &= ~(HAL_KEY_SW_7_IENBIT);/* Clear interrupt enable bit */HAL_KEY_SW_8_ICTL &= ~(HAL_KEY_SW_8_ICTLBIT); /* don't generate interrupt */HAL_KEY_SW_8_IEN &= ~(HAL_KEY_SW_8_IENBIT);/* Clear interrupt enable bit */osal_set_event(Hal_TaskID, HAL_KEY_EVENT);}/* Key now is configured */HalKeyConfigured = TRUE; }
YiKai Chen:
回复 user5367314:
Alvin Chen:
回复 user5367314:
回复 YiKai Chen:
#define PUSH1_BVBV(0)
#define PUSH1_SBITP0_0//按键2
#define PUSH3_BVBV(1)
#define PUSH3_SBITP0_1//按键3
#define PUSH4_BVBV(2)
#define PUSH4_SBITP0_2
YiKai Chen:
回复 user5367314:
回复 YiKai Chen:
按键1(P0.0)可以中断,按键2(P0.1)和3(p0.2)不行 //按键1 #define HAL_KEY_SW_6_PORTP0 #define HAL_KEY_SW_6_BITBV(0) #define HAL_KEY_SW_6_SELP0SEL #define HAL_KEY_SW_6_DIRP0DIR/* edge interrupt */ #define HAL_KEY_SW_6_EDGEBITBV(0) #define HAL_KEY_SW_6_EDGEHAL_KEY_FALLING_EDGE/* SW_6 interrupts */ #define HAL_KEY_SW_6_IENIEN1/* CPU interrupt mask register */ #define HAL_KEY_SW_6_IENBITBV(5) /* Mask bit for all of Port_0 */ #define HAL_KEY_SW_6_ICTLP0IEN /* Port Interrupt Control register */ #define HAL_KEY_SW_6_ICTLBITBV(0) /* P0IEN - P0.1 enable/disable bit */ #define HAL_KEY_SW_6_PXIFGP0IFG /* Interrupt flag at source */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //按键2 #define HAL_KEY_SW_7_PORTP0 #define HAL_KEY_SW_7_BITBV(1) #define HAL_KEY_SW_7_SELP0SEL #define HAL_KEY_SW_7_DIRP0DIR/* edge interrupt */ #define HAL_KEY_SW_7_EDGEBITBV(0) #define HAL_KEY_SW_7_EDGEHAL_KEY_FALLING_EDGE/* SW_6 interrupts */ #define HAL_KEY_SW_7_IENIEN1/* CPU interrupt mask register */ #define HAL_KEY_SW_7_IENBITBV(5) /* Mask bit for all of Port_0 */ #define HAL_KEY_SW_7_ICTLP0IEN /* Port Interrupt Control register */ #define HAL_KEY_SW_7_ICTLBITBV(1) /* P0IEN - P0.1 enable/disable bit */ #define HAL_KEY_SW_7_PXIFGP0IFG /* Interrupt flag at source */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //按键3 #define HAL_KEY_SW_8_PORTP0 #define HAL_KEY_SW_8_BITBV(2) #define HAL_KEY_SW_8_SELP0SEL #define HAL_KEY_SW_8_DIRP0DIR/* edge interrupt */ #define HAL_KEY_SW_8_EDGEBITBV(0) #define HAL_KEY_SW_8_EDGEHAL_KEY_FALLING_EDGE/* SW_6 interrupts */ #define HAL_KEY_SW_8_IENIEN1/* CPU interrupt mask register */ #define HAL_KEY_SW_8_IENBITBV(5) /* Mask bit for all of Port_0 */ #define HAL_KEY_SW_8_ICTLP0IEN /* Port Interrupt Control register */ #define HAL_KEY_SW_8_ICTLBITBV(2) /* P0IEN - P0.1 enable/disable bit */ #define HAL_KEY_SW_8_PXIFGP0IFG /* Interrupt flag at source */
YiKai Chen:
回复 user5367314: