1、TI协议栈中“Mac Header”的Frame Pending位,默认都是置零的;
2、由于特殊原因,我在数据发送时,将Frame Pending位置1了,暂时测试没发现有什么问题,请问从协议栈本身的处理上来看,这么改了之后,会有别的方面的一些问题吗?
3、位置如下图,在Mac Header的Frame Control中的bit8:
Viki Shi:
Frame Pending是由stack自行设置的,表明有消息传来,应用端无需操作
回复 Viki Shi:
您好,图中的设置是说的发送端,stack默认的发送数据,我抓了看,Frame Pending位都是置零的。
Viki Shi:
回复 user5020974:
没有试过,查了下IEEE MAC文档,是这么说的: Frame pending subfield
The frame pending subfield is 1 bit in length and shall be set to 1 if the device sending the frame has additional data to send to the recipient following the current transfer. If more data are pending, the recipient shall retrieve them by sending another data request command to the device. If the device sending the frame does not have any more data for the recipient, this subfield shall be set to 0.
The frame pending subfield shall be used only in frames transmitted either during the CAP by devices operating on a beacon-enabled PAN or at any time by devices operating on a nonbeacon-enabled PAN.
回复 Viki Shi: