集中式网络中,如果zgApsUseExtendedPANID不为0x00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,可以正常建立网络,其他设备如果zgApsUseExtendedPANID相同则能入网。
在分布式网络中,如果zgApsUseExtendedPANID不为0x00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,不能建立网络,请问该怎么办,分布式网络才能建立网络
Alvin Chen:
9.10 Extended PAN IDs There are two Extended PAN IDs used in the Z-Stack: zgApsUseExtendedPANID: This is the 64-bit PAN identifier of the network to join or form. This corresponds to the ZCD_NV_APS_USE_EXT_PANID NV item. zgExtendedPANID: This is the 64-bit extended PAN ID of the network to which the device is joined. If it has a value of 0x0000000000000000, then the device is not connected to a network. This corresponds to the ZCD_NV_EXTENDED_PAN_ID NV item. If the device has formation capabilities and is instructed to form a network, then it will form a network using zgApsUseExtendedPANID if zgApsUseExtendedPANID has a non-zero value. If zgApsUseExtendedPANID is 0x0000000000000000, then the device will use its 64-bit Extended Address to form the network.
YiKai Chen:
不是就調用 bdb_StartCommissioning(BDB_COMMISSIONING_MODE_NWK_FORMATION)建立分布式网络,不用去動zgApsUseExtendedPANID
回复 YiKai Chen:
YiKai Chen:
回复 user4711142:
我沒試過 "zgApsUseExtendedPANID为1,分布式网路无法建立",也找不出什麼理由為什麼需要這樣做,建議你到英文論壇 e2e.ti.com/…/158 去發問