[15:14:30] Begin Format operation.
[15:14:31] INFO: > Executing Operation: Connect
[15:14:33] INFO: setting break signal
[15:14:33] INFO: connection succeeded
[15:14:33] INFO: getting storage list
[15:14:33] INFO: > Executing Operation: Init
[15:14:33] INFO: reading version info
[15:14:33] INFO: DEVICE CC3200 ES1.33
[15:14:33] INFO: reading version info
[15:14:34] INFO: reading version info
[15:14:36] INFO: > Executing Operation: Format
[15:14:36] INFO: Erase storage SFLASH[15:14:37] INFO: erase storage failed
[15:14:37] INFO: erase storage completed
[15:14:37] INFO: > Executing Operation: Disconnect
[15:14:37] Operation Format returned.[15:14:48] Begin ServicePackProgramming operation.
[15:14:48] INFO: > Executing Operation: Connect
[15:14:50] INFO: setting break signal
[15:14:51] INFO: detecting FTDI for device reset
[15:14:53] INFO: connection succeeded
[15:14:53] INFO: getting storage list
[15:14:53] INFO: > Executing Operation: ServicePackProgramming
[15:14:53] INFO: Path to the service pack file: C:/TI/CC3100_CC3200_ServicePack_1.0.1.6-
[15:14:53] INFO: reading version info
[15:14:53] INFO: CC3200R Device detected.
[15:14:53] INFO: NWP/MAC/PHY Version from Service Pack:[15:14:53] INFO: NWP Patch version:
[15:14:53] INFO: MAC Patch version:
[15:14:53] INFO: PHY Patch version:
[15:14:53] INFO: reading version info
[15:14:53] INFO: DEVICE CC3200 ES1.33
[15:14:53] INFO: reading version info
[15:14:54] INFO: reading version info
[15:14:56] INFO: Downloading file "/sys/servicepack.ucf" with size 25820
[15:14:56] ERROR: Open operation failed
[15:14:56] INFO: > Executing Operation: Disconnect
[15:14:56] Operation ServicePackProgramming returned.
Viki Shi:
新片子第一次使用需要更新servicepack,选择"Service Pack Update"更新
Yizhou Jiang1:
回复 Viki Shi:
Hi Viki,
Yizhou Jiang1:
format后list file system是正常的,但是在service pack programming后显示file system is not formatted
Yizhou Jiang1:
回复 Yizhou Jiang1:
另外,使用自己画的板子在线调试(用launchpad上的JTAG)的时候,运行一半会报错Unable to determine target status after 20 attempts
Yizhou Jiang1:
回复 Viki Shi:
调试在 lRetVal = ConfigureSimpleLinkToDefaultState(); 这一行出错
Terry Han:
回复 Yizhou Jiang1:
//*****************************************************************************//! \brief This function puts the device in its default state. It://! – Set the mode to STATION//! – Configures connection policy to Auto and AutoSmartConfig//! – Deletes all the stored profiles//! – Enables DHCP//! – Disables Scan policy//! – Sets Tx power to maximum//! – Sets power policy to normal//! – Unregister mDNS services//! – Remove all filters//!//! \param none//! \return On success, zero is returned. On error, negative is returned//*****************************************************************************static long ConfigureSimpleLinkToDefaultState(){ SlVersionFull ver = {0}; _WlanRxFilterOperationCommandBuff_t RxFilterIdMask = {0};
unsigned char ucVal = 1; unsigned char ucConfigOpt = 0; unsigned char ucConfigLen = 0; unsigned char ucPower = 0;
long lRetVal = -1; long lMode = -1;
lMode = sl_Start(0, 0, 0); ASSERT_ON_ERROR(lMode);
// If the device is not in station-mode, try configuring it in station-mode if (ROLE_STA != lMode) { if (ROLE_AP == lMode) { // If the device is in AP mode, we need to wait for this event // before doing anything while(!IS_IP_ACQUIRED(g_ulStatus)) {#ifndef SL_PLATFORM_MULTI_THREADED _SlNonOsMainLoopTask(); #endif } }
// Switch to STA role and restart lRetVal = sl_WlanSetMode(ROLE_STA); ASSERT_ON_ERROR(lRetVal);
lRetVal = sl_Stop(0xFF); ASSERT_ON_ERROR(lRetVal);
lRetVal = sl_Start(0, 0, 0); ASSERT_ON_ERROR(lRetVal);
// Check if the device is in station again if (ROLE_STA != lRetVal) { // We don't want to proceed if the device is not coming up in STA-mode return DEVICE_NOT_IN_STATION_MODE; } } // Get the device's version-information ucConfigOpt = SL_DEVICE_GENERAL_VERSION; ucConfigLen = sizeof(ver); lRetVal = sl_DevGet(SL_DEVICE_GENERAL_CONFIGURATION, &ucConfigOpt, &ucConfigLen, (unsigned char *)(&ver)); ASSERT_ON_ERROR(lRetVal); UART_PRINT("Host Driver Version: %s\n\r",SL_DRIVER_VERSION); UART_PRINT("Build Version %d.%d.%d.%d.31.%d.%d.%d.%d.%d.%d.%d.%d\n\r", ver.NwpVersion[0],ver.NwpVersion[1],ver.NwpVersion[2],ver.NwpVersion[3], ver.ChipFwAndPhyVersion.FwVersion[0],ver.ChipFwAndPhyVersion.FwVersion[1], ver.ChipFwAndPhyVersion.FwVersion[2],ver.ChipFwAndPhyVersion.FwVersion[3], ver.ChipFwAndPhyVersion.PhyVersion[0],ver.ChipFwAndPhyVersion.PhyVersion[1], ver.ChipFwAndPhyVersion.PhyVersion[2],ver.ChipFwAndPhyVersion.PhyVersion[3]);
// Set connection policy to Auto + SmartConfig // (Device's default connection policy) lRetVal = sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_CONNECTION, SL_CONNECTION_POLICY(1, 0, 0, 0, 1), NULL, 0); ASSERT_ON_ERROR(lRetVal);
// Remove all profiles lRetVal = sl_WlanProfileDel(0xFF); ASSERT_ON_ERROR(lRetVal);
// // Device in station-mode. Disconnect previous connection if any // The function returns 0 if 'Disconnected done', negative number if already // disconnected Wait for 'disconnection' event if 0 is returned, Ignore // other return-codes // lRetVal = sl_WlanDisconnect(); if(0 == lRetVal) { // Wait while(IS_CONNECTED(g_ulStatus)) {#ifndef SL_PLATFORM_MULTI_THREADED _SlNonOsMainLoopTask(); #endif } }
// Enable DHCP client lRetVal = sl_NetCfgSet(SL_IPV4_STA_P2P_CL_DHCP_ENABLE,1,1,&ucVal); ASSERT_ON_ERROR(lRetVal);
// Disable scan ucConfigOpt = SL_SCAN_POLICY(0); lRetVal = sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_SCAN , ucConfigOpt, NULL, 0); ASSERT_ON_ERROR(lRetVal);
// Set Tx power level for station mode // Number between 0-15, as dB offset from max power – 0 will set max power ucPower = 0; lRetVal = sl_WlanSet(SL_WLAN_CFG_GENERAL_PARAM_ID, WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_STA_TX_POWER, 1, (unsigned char *)&ucPower); ASSERT_ON_ERROR(lRetVal);
// Set PM policy to normal lRetVal = sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_PM , SL_NORMAL_POLICY, NULL, 0); ASSERT_ON_ERROR(lRetVal);
// Unregister mDNS services lRetVal = sl_NetAppMDNSUnRegisterService(0, 0); ASSERT_ON_ERROR(lRetVal);
// Remove all 64 filters (8*8) memset(RxFilterIdMask.FilterIdMask, 0xFF, 8); lRetVal = sl_WlanRxFilterSet(SL_REMOVE_RX_FILTER, (_u8 *)&RxFilterIdMask, sizeof(_WlanRxFilterOperationCommandBuff_t)); ASSERT_ON_ERROR(lRetVal);
InitializeAppVariables(); return lRetVal; // Success}