关于库文件中typedef 结构体指针定义出现了好几种不同的定义方法:
typedef struct _HAL_Obj_ {ADC_HandleadcHandle;//!< the ADC handleCLK_HandleclkHandle;//!< the clock handleCPU_HandlecpuHandle;//!< the CPU handleDRV8305_Handle drv8305Handle;//!< the drv8305 interface handleDRV8305_Objdrv8305;//!< the drv8305 interface object } HAL_Obj; //! \briefDefines the HAL handle //! \detailsThe HAL handle is a pointer to a HAL object. In all HAL functions //!the HAL handle is passed so that the function knows what peripherals //!are to be accessed. //! typedef struct _HAL_Obj_ *HAL_Handle;
HAL_Handle HAL_init(void *pMemory,const size_t numBytes) { uint_least8_t cnt; HAL_Handle handle; HAL_Obj *obj; if(numBytes < sizeof(HAL_Obj)) return((HAL_Handle)NULL); // assign the handle handle = (HAL_Handle)pMemory; // assign the object obj = (HAL_Obj *)handle; // initialize the watchdog driver obj->wdogHandle = WDOG_init((void *)WDOG_BASE_ADDR,sizeof(WDOG_Obj)); // disable watchdog HAL_disableWdog(handle); // initialize the ADC obj->adcHandle = ADC_init((void *)ADC_BASE_ADDR,sizeof(ADC_Obj)); return(handle); }
HAL_Handle handle;
HAL_Obj *obj;
typedef struct _GPIO_Obj_ {volatile uint32_t GPACTRL;//!< GPIO A Control Registervolatile uint32_t GPAQSEL1;//!< GPIO A Qualifier Select 1 Registervolatile uint32_t GPAQSEL2;//!< GPIO A Qualifier Select 2 Register } GPIO_Obj; //! \brief Defines the general purpose I/O (GPIO) handle //! typedef struct _GPIO_Obj_ *GPIO_Handle;
typedef struct _GPIO_Obj_ {volatile uint32_t GPACTRL;//!< GPIO A Control Registervolatile uint32_t GPAQSEL1;//!< GPIO A Qualifier Select 1 Registervolatile uint32_t GPAQSEL2;//!< GPIO A Qualifier Select 2 Register } GPIO_Obj; //! \brief Defines the general purpose I/O (GPIO) handle //! typedef struct GPIO_Obj*GPIO_Handle;
typedef structGPIO_Obj *GPIO_Handle;这么定义是不是应该去掉一个struct,因为GPIO_Obj就相当于struct _GPIO_Obj_ 了。