
F28062串口FLASH 在线升级底层程序问题


C28xx: Loader: One or more sections of your program falls into a memory region that is not writable. These regions will not actually be written to the target. Check your linker configuration and/or memory map.
C28xx: File Loader: Verification failed: Values at address0x3D7BB4@Program do not match Please verify target memory and memory map.
C28xx: GEL: File: E:\DSP_bootmain\GDW300_FLASH_API\Debug\GDW300_FLASH_API.out: a data verification error occurred, file load failed.

1、使用串口在线升级, 0x3D7BB4地址看map映射

.cinit 0 003d7bb4 00000016 003d7bb4 0000000a rts2800_fpu32.lib : _lock.obj (.cinit)
003d7bbe 0000000a : exit.obj (.cinit)
003d7bc8 00000002 –HOLE– [fill = 0]



PAGE 0 : /* Program Memory */
/* Memory (RAM/FLASH/OTP) blocks can be moved to PAGE1 for data allocation */
RAMPRG : origin = 0x008000, length = 0x000300 /* 0x8000~0x82ff用于跑FlashAPI中的程序 */
BEGIN : origin = 0x3D7800, length = 0x000002 /* OTP boot的程序入口 */
OPT2FLASH : origin = 0x3D7802, length = 0x000003 /* 项目工程调用API函数的入口地址 */
OTP : origin = 0x3D7806, length = 0x0003F1 /* on-chip OTP */
OTPKEY : origin = 0x3D7BF7, length = 0x000001
OTPMOD : origin = 0x3D7BF8, length = 0x000001

// PRGFLAG1 : origin = 0x3E8000, length = 0x000002 /* Part of FLASHH,程序完整性标志 */
// FLASHBEGIN : origin = 0x3E8002, length = 0x000002 /* Flash程序入口. Used for "boot to OTP" bootloader mode. */
// FLASH : origin = 0x3E8004, length = 0x00FF7A /* on-chip FLASH */
// PRGFLAG2 : origin = 0x3F7F7E, length = 0x000002 /* Part of FLASHA,程序完整性标志 */
// CSM_RSVD : origin = 0x3F7F80, length = 0x000076 /* Part of FLASHA. Program with all 0x0000 when CSM is in use. */
// CSM_PWL_P0 : origin = 0x3F7FF8, length = 0x000008 /* Part of FLASHA. CSM password locations in FLASHA */

ROM : origin = 0x3FF27C, length = 0x000D44 /* Boot ROM */
RESET : origin = 0x3FFFC0, length = 0x000002 /* part of boot ROM */
VECTORS : origin = 0x3FFFC2, length = 0x00003E /* part of boot ROM */


RAMPRG 00008000 00000300 000001c6 0000013a RWIX
BEGIN 003d7800 00000002 00000002 00000000 RWIX
OPT2FLASH 003d7802 00000003 00000000 00000003 RWIX
OTP 003d7806 000003f1 000003c4 0000002d RWIX
OTPKEY 003d7bf7 00000001 00000001 00000000 RWIX
OTPMOD 003d7bf8 00000001 00000001 00000000 RWIX
ROM 003ff27c 00000d44 00000000 00000d44 RWIX
RESET 003fffc0 00000002 00000000 00000002 RWIX
VECTORS 003fffc2 0000003e 00000000 0000003e RWIX

Seven Han:


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