


**											标志位定义												**
uint8_t		ETH_FLAG_RXPKT;		//->0:没收到数据包		1:接收到数据包
uint8_t		ETH_FLAG_TXPKT;		//->0:数据包发送完成	1:数据包等待发送
**	描述和状态定义以及EMAC内存分配									**

#define RX_BUFFER_SIZE 1536
#define TX_BUFFER_SIZE 1536

tEMACDMADescriptor RxDescriptor[NUM_TX_DESCRIPTORS];
tEMACDMADescriptor TxDescriptor[NUM_RX_DESCRIPTORS];


static	uint32_t	RxDescIndex;
static	uint32_t	TxDescIndex;
**											设备信息定义											**
typedef struct
	uint8_t		mac[6];			//MAC地址.
	uint8_t		ip[4];			//IP地址.
	uint8_t		mark[4];		//子网掩码.
	uint8_t		gate[4];		//默认网关.

device_t	Device;

static const uint8_t	IP[4]	={192,168,1,88};					//本机IP地址.
static const uint8_t	MARK[4]	={255,255,255,0};					//子网掩码.
static const uint8_t	GATE[4]	={192,168,1,1};						//默认网关.

**函数名称:	void InitDescriptors(void)																**
**函数描述: 初始化发送、接收描述相关参量(OWN = 1:owned by the DMA  OWN = 0:owned by the CPU)		**
**参数:	无																						** 
**返回:	无																						**
void InitDescriptors(void)
{uint32_t ui32Loop;// Initialize each of the receive descriptors.  Set the OWN bit here to make sure that the receiver can start writing anything immediately.for(ui32Loop = 0; ui32Loop < NUM_RX_DESCRIPTORS; ui32Loop++){RxDescriptor[ui32Loop].ui32CtrlStatus	= DES0_RX_CTRL_OWN;RxDescriptor[ui32Loop].ui32Count		= (DES1_RX_CTRL_CHAINED | (RX_BUFFER_SIZE << DES1_RX_CTRL_BUFF1_SIZE_S));RxDescriptor[ui32Loop].pvBuffer1		= RxBuffer[ui32Loop];RxDescriptor[ui32Loop].DES3.pLink		= (ui32Loop == (NUM_RX_DESCRIPTORS - 1)) ? &RxDescriptor[0] : &RxDescriptor[ui32Loop + 1];}
	// Initialize each of the transmit descriptors.  Note that we leave the OWN bit clear here since we have not set up any transmissions yet.for(ui32Loop = 0; ui32Loop < NUM_TX_DESCRIPTORS; ui32Loop++){TxDescriptor[ui32Loop].ui32CtrlStatus	= (DES0_TX_CTRL_LAST_SEG | DES0_TX_CTRL_FIRST_SEG | DES0_TX_CTRL_INTERRUPT | DES0_TX_CTRL_CHAINED | DES0_TX_CTRL_IP_ALL_CKHSUMS);
		TxDescriptor[ui32Loop].ui32Count		= (DES1_TX_CTRL_SADDR_INSERT | (TX_BUFFER_SIZE << DES1_TX_CTRL_BUFF1_SIZE_S));TxDescriptor[ui32Loop].pvBuffer1		= TxBuffer[ui32Loop];TxDescriptor[ui32Loop].DES3.pLink		= (ui32Loop == (NUM_TX_DESCRIPTORS - 1)) ? &TxDescriptor[0] : &TxDescriptor[ui32Loop + 1];}// Start from the beginning of both descriptor chains. We actually set the transmit descriptor index to the last descriptor in the chain// since it will be incremented before use and this means the first transmission we perform will use the correct descriptor.RxDescIndex = 0;TxDescIndex = 0;

	// Set the descriptor pointers in the hardware.EMACRxDMADescriptorListSet(EMAC0_BASE, RxDescriptor);EMACTxDMADescriptorListSet(EMAC0_BASE, TxDescriptor);

**函数名称:	uint32_t PacketReceive(uint8_t *pui8Buf)												**
**函数描述: 从DMA接收缓冲区读取一个数据包															**
**参数:	pui8Buf-------数据包存储缓冲区指针														**
**返回:	i32FrameLen---数据长度																	**
uint32_t PacketReceive(uint8_t *pui8Buf)
{uint32_t i32FrameLen, i32Loop;// Check the arguments.ASSERT(pui8Buf != 0);// By default, we assume we got a bad frame.i32FrameLen = 0;// Make sure that CPU own the receive descriptor.if(!(RxDescriptor[RxDescIndex].ui32CtrlStatus & DES0_RX_CTRL_OWN)){// We own the receive descriptor so check to see if it contains a valid frame.  Look for a descriptor error, 
		// indicating that the incoming packet was truncated or, if this is the last frame in a packet, the receive error bit.if(!(RxDescriptor[RxDescIndex].ui32CtrlStatus & DES0_RX_STAT_ERR)){// We have a valid frame so copy the content to the supplied buffer. First check that the "last descriptor" flag is set.
			// We sized the receive buffer such that it can always hold a valid frame so this flag should never be clear at this point but...if(RxDescriptor[RxDescIndex].ui32CtrlStatus & DES0_RX_STAT_LAST_DESC){i32FrameLen = ((RxDescriptor[RxDescIndex].ui32CtrlStatus & DES0_RX_STAT_FRAME_LENGTH_M) >> DES0_RX_STAT_FRAME_LENGTH_S);// Sanity check.if(i32FrameLen > RX_BUFFER_SIZE){i32FrameLen = RX_BUFFER_SIZE;}// Copy the data from the DMA receive buffer into the provided frame buffer.for(i32Loop = 0; i32Loop < i32FrameLen; i32Loop++){pui8Buf[i32Loop] = RxBuffer[RxDescIndex][i32Loop];}}}// Move on to the next descriptor in the chain.RxDescIndex++;if(RxDescIndex == NUM_RX_DESCRIPTORS){RxDescIndex = 0;}// Give this descriptor back to the DMA.RxDescriptor[RxDescIndex].ui32CtrlStatus = DES0_RX_CTRL_OWN;}// Return the Frame Length.return(i32FrameLen);

**函数名称:	uint32_t PacketTransmit(uint8_t *pui8Buf, uint32_t i32BufLen)							**
**函数描述: 发送数据包																				**
**参数:	pui8Buf-----待发送数据包缓冲区指针														**
**			i32BufLen---待发送数据包的长度															**
**返回:	i32BufLen---实际发送数据的长度															**
uint32_t PacketTransmit(uint8_t *pui8Buf, uint32_t i32BufLen)
{uint32_t i32Loop;// Indicate that a packet is being sent.ETH_FLAG_TXPKT = 1;
printf("ETH_FLAG_TXPKT = 1;\r\n");// Wait for the previous packet to be transmitted.while(TxDescriptor[TxDescIndex].ui32CtrlStatus & DES0_TX_CTRL_OWN);
printf("ETH_FLAG_TXPKT = 2;\r\n");// Sanity check.if(i32BufLen > TX_BUFFER_SIZE){i32BufLen = TX_BUFFER_SIZE;}// Copy the packet data into the transmit buffer.for(i32Loop = 0; i32Loop < i32BufLen; i32Loop++){TxBuffer[TxDescIndex][i32Loop] = pui8Buf[i32Loop];}// Move to the next descriptor.TxDescIndex++;if(TxDescIndex == NUM_TX_DESCRIPTORS){TxDescIndex = 0;}// Fill in the packet size and tell the transmitter to start work.TxDescriptor[TxDescIndex].ui32Count			= (uint32_t)i32BufLen;TxDescriptor[TxDescIndex].ui32CtrlStatus	= (	DES0_TX_CTRL_LAST_SEG  | 
													DES0_TX_CTRL_FIRST_SEG | 
													DES0_TX_CTRL_INTERRUPT | 
													DES0_TX_CTRL_IP_ALL_CKHSUMS | 
													DES0_TX_CTRL_CHAINED | 
													DES0_TX_CTRL_OWN);// Tell the DMA to reacquire the descriptor now that we've filled it in.EMACTxDMAPollDemand(EMAC0_BASE);
printf("ETH_FLAG_TXPKT = 3;\r\n");// Return the number of bytes sent.return(i32BufLen);

**函数名称:	void HAL_EMAC_Init(void)																**
**函数描述: 网口初始化						**
**参数:	无						**
**返回:	无						**
void HAL_EMAC_Init(void)
	// PF0/PF1/PF4 are used for Ethernet LEDs.

	GPIOPinTypeEthernetLED(GPIOF_AHB_BASE, GPIO_PIN_0 | GPIO_PIN_1 | GPIO_PIN_4);// Wait for the MAC to be ready.while(!SysCtlPeripheralReady(SYSCTL_PERIPH_EMAC0));// Configure for use with the internal PHY.EMACPHYConfigSet(EMAC0_BASE, EMAC_PHY_TYPE_INTERNAL | EMAC_PHY_INT_MDIX_EN | EMAC_PHY_AN_100B_T_FULL_DUPLEX);// Reset the MAC.EMACReset(EMAC0_BASE);// Initialize the MAC and set the DMA mode.EMACInit(EMAC0_BASE, SystemCoreClock, EMAC_BCONFIG_MIXED_BURST | EMAC_BCONFIG_PRIORITY_FIXED, 4, 4, 0);// Set MAC configuration options.EMACConfigSet(EMAC0_BASE,(EMAC_CONFIG_FULL_DUPLEX |EMAC_CONFIG_CHECKSUM_OFFLOAD |EMAC_CONFIG_7BYTE_PREAMBLE |EMAC_CONFIG_IF_GAP_96BITS |EMAC_CONFIG_USE_MACADDR0 |EMAC_CONFIG_SA_FROM_DESCRIPTOR |EMAC_CONFIG_BO_LIMIT_1024),(EMAC_MODE_RX_STORE_FORWARD |EMAC_MODE_TX_STORE_FORWARD |EMAC_MODE_TX_THRESHOLD_64_BYTES |EMAC_MODE_RX_THRESHOLD_64_BYTES), 0);// Initialize the Ethernet DMA descriptors.InitDescriptors();// Program the hardware with its MAC address (for filtering).EMACAddrSet(EMAC0_BASE, 0, Device.mac);// Wait for the link to become active.//while((EMACPHYRead(EMAC0_BASE, 0, EPHY_BMSR) & EPHY_BMSR_LINKSTAT) == 0);// Set MAC filtering options.  We receive all broadcast and multicast packets along with those addressed specifically for us.EMACFrameFilterSet(EMAC0_BASE, (EMAC_FRMFILTER_SADDR | EMAC_FRMFILTER_PASS_MULTICAST | EMAC_FRMFILTER_PASS_NO_CTRL));// Clear any pending interrupts.EMACIntClear(EMAC0_BASE, EMACIntStatus(EMAC0_BASE, false));// Enable the Ethernet MAC transmitter and receiver.EMACTxEnable(EMAC0_BASE);EMACRxEnable(EMAC0_BASE);// Enable the Ethernet interrupt.IntEnable(INT_EMAC0);// Enable the Ethernet RX Packet interrupt source.EMACIntEnable(EMAC0_BASE, EMAC_INT_RECEIVE | EMAC_INT_TRANSMIT);

**函数名称:	void ENET_IRQHandler(void)																**
**函数描述: 以太网中断服务程序																		**
**参数:	无																						**
**返回:	无																						**
void ETH_Handler(void)
{uint32_t IntStatus;// Read and Clear the interrupt.IntStatus = EMACIntStatus(EMAC0_BASE, true);MAP_EMACIntClear(EMAC0_BASE, IntStatus);// Check to see if an RX Interrupt has occurred.if(IntStatus & EMAC_INT_RECEIVE){// Indicate that a packet has been received.ETH_FLAG_RXPKT = 1;}// Has the DMA finished transferring a packet to the transmitter?if(IntStatus & EMAC_INT_TRANSMIT){// Indicate that a packet has been sent.ETH_FLAG_TXPKT = 0;}
**函数名称: void Config(void)																		**
**函数描述: 参数配置函数																			**
**参数: 无																						**
**返回: 无																						**
void Config(void)
uint32_t ui32User0, ui32User1;
	FlashUserGet(&ui32User0, &ui32User1);if((ui32User0 == 0xffffffff) || (ui32User1 == 0xffffffff)){//// We should never get here.  This is an error if the MAC address has// not been programmed into the device.  Exit the program.// Let the user know there is no MAC address//printf("No MAC programmed!\n");while(1){}}
	Device.mac[0] = ((ui32User0 >>  0) & 0xff);Device.mac[1] = ((ui32User0 >>  8) & 0xff);Device.mac[2] = ((ui32User0 >> 16) & 0xff);Device.mac[3] = ((ui32User1 >>  0) & 0xff);Device.mac[4] = ((ui32User1 >>  8) & 0xff);Device.mac[5] = ((ui32User1 >> 16) & 0xff);
	memcpy(Device.ip,IP,4);				//IP
	memcpy(Device.mark, MARK, 4);				//MARK
	memcpy(Device.gate, GATE, 4);				//GATEWAY

**函数名称:	void APP_LWIP_Init(void)							**
**函数描述: 初始化LWIP所有相关信息							**
**参数:	无							**
**返回:	无							**
void APP_LWIP_Init(void)
	HAL_EMAC_Init();									//初始化EMAC.
	lwip_init();										//LwIP协议栈初始化.

	// add the network interface.
	netif_add(&my_netif, (ip4_addr_t *)&Device.ip, (ip4_addr_t *)&Device.mark, (ip4_addr_t *)&Device.gate, NULL, ethernetif_init, ethernet_input);

	// Registers the default network interface.

	//httpd_init();										//初始化HTTP服务器监听端口.
	//httpd_cgi_ssi_init();								//CGI、SSI相关初始化.

	//tcp_server_init();									//初始化TCP服务器.
	//udp_server_init();									//初始化UDP服务器.





while(TxDescriptor[TxDescIndex].ui32CtrlStatus & DES0_TX_CTRL_OWN);
printf("ETH_FLAG_TXPKT = 1;\r\n");
printf("ETH_FLAG_TXPKT = 2;\r\n");





未经允许不得转载:TI中文支持网 » TM4C1294KCPDT移植LWIP2.0.2时发送数据失败
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