

void pid_reg3_calc(PIDREG3 *v)
{ // Compute the error
v->Err = v->Ref – v->Fdb;
// Compute the proportional output
v->Up = v->Kp*v->Err;                      

// Compute the integral output
v->Ui = v->Ui +v->Ki*v->Up + v->Kc*v->SatErr;
// Compute the derivative output
v->Ud = v->Kd*(v->Up – v->Up1);

// Compute the pre-saturated output
v->OutPreSat = v->Up + v->Ui + v->Ud;// v->OutPreSat =(v->OutPreSat>>24);
// Saturate the output
if (v->OutPreSat > v->OutMax) v->Out = v->OutMax;
else if (v->OutPreSat < v->OutMin)
v->Out = v->OutMin; else
v->Out = v->OutPreSat; // Compute the saturate difference
v->SatErr = v->Out – v->OutPreSat; // Update the previous proportional output v->Up1 = v->Up;}

Yuqiao Hu:


就这一句比较费解了:v->Ui = v->Ui +v->Ki*v->Up + v->Kc*v->SatErr;     这一句是用来求积分环节的,但是加粗部分很费解

void pid_reg3_calc(PIDREG3 *v)
{ // Compute the error
v->Err = v->Ref – v->Fdb;
// Compute the proportional output
v->Up = v->Kp*v->Err;                      

// Compute the integral output
v->Ui = v->Ui +v->Ki*v->Up + v->Kc*v->SatErr;
// Compute the derivative output
v->Ud = v->Kd*(v->Up – v->Up1);

// Compute the pre-saturated output
v->OutPreSat = v->Up + v->Ui + v->Ud;// v->OutPreSat =(v->OutPreSat>>24);
// Saturate the output
if (v->OutPreSat > v->OutMax) v->Out = v->OutMax;
else if (v->OutPreSat < v->OutMin)
v->Out = v->OutMin; else
v->Out = v->OutPreSat; // Compute the saturate difference
v->SatErr = v->Out – v->OutPreSat; // Update the previous proportional output v->Up1 = v->Up;}


回复 Yuqiao Hu:


void pid_reg3_calc(PIDREG3 *v)
{ // Compute the error
v->Err = v->Ref – v->Fdb;
// Compute the proportional output
v->Up = v->Kp*v->Err;                      

// Compute the integral output
v->Ui = v->Ui +v->Ki*v->Up + v->Kc*v->SatErr;
// Compute the derivative output
v->Ud = v->Kd*(v->Up – v->Up1);

// Compute the pre-saturated output
v->OutPreSat = v->Up + v->Ui + v->Ud;// v->OutPreSat =(v->OutPreSat>>24);
// Saturate the output
if (v->OutPreSat > v->OutMax) v->Out = v->OutMax;
else if (v->OutPreSat < v->OutMin)
v->Out = v->OutMin; else
v->Out = v->OutPreSat; // Compute the saturate difference
v->SatErr = v->Out – v->OutPreSat; // Update the previous proportional output v->Up1 = v->Up;}

Yuqiao Hu:

回复 rookiecalf:

但是也不是v->ui=v->ui+  这样啊,应该是v->ui=v->ui1+这样吧


void pid_reg3_calc(PIDREG3 *v)
{ // Compute the error
v->Err = v->Ref – v->Fdb;
// Compute the proportional output
v->Up = v->Kp*v->Err;                      

// Compute the integral output
v->Ui = v->Ui +v->Ki*v->Up + v->Kc*v->SatErr;
// Compute the derivative output
v->Ud = v->Kd*(v->Up – v->Up1);

// Compute the pre-saturated output
v->OutPreSat = v->Up + v->Ui + v->Ud;// v->OutPreSat =(v->OutPreSat>>24);
// Saturate the output
if (v->OutPreSat > v->OutMax) v->Out = v->OutMax;
else if (v->OutPreSat < v->OutMin)
v->Out = v->OutMin; else
v->Out = v->OutPreSat; // Compute the saturate difference
v->SatErr = v->Out – v->OutPreSat; // Update the previous proportional output v->Up1 = v->Up;}


回复 Yuqiao Hu:


void pid_reg3_calc(PIDREG3 *v)
{ // Compute the error
v->Err = v->Ref – v->Fdb;
// Compute the proportional output
v->Up = v->Kp*v->Err;                      

// Compute the integral output
v->Ui = v->Ui +v->Ki*v->Up + v->Kc*v->SatErr;
// Compute the derivative output
v->Ud = v->Kd*(v->Up – v->Up1);

// Compute the pre-saturated output
v->OutPreSat = v->Up + v->Ui + v->Ud;// v->OutPreSat =(v->OutPreSat>>24);
// Saturate the output
if (v->OutPreSat > v->OutMax) v->Out = v->OutMax;
else if (v->OutPreSat < v->OutMin)
v->Out = v->OutMin; else
v->Out = v->OutPreSat; // Compute the saturate difference
v->SatErr = v->Out – v->OutPreSat; // Update the previous proportional output v->Up1 = v->Up;}

Yuqiao Hu:



void pid_reg3_calc(PIDREG3 *v)
{ // Compute the error
v->Err = v->Ref – v->Fdb;
// Compute the proportional output
v->Up = v->Kp*v->Err;                      

// Compute the integral output
v->Ui = v->Ui +v->Ki*v->Up + v->Kc*v->SatErr;
// Compute the derivative output
v->Ud = v->Kd*(v->Up – v->Up1);

// Compute the pre-saturated output
v->OutPreSat = v->Up + v->Ui + v->Ud;// v->OutPreSat =(v->OutPreSat>>24);
// Saturate the output
if (v->OutPreSat > v->OutMax) v->Out = v->OutMax;
else if (v->OutPreSat < v->OutMin)
v->Out = v->OutMin; else
v->Out = v->OutPreSat; // Compute the saturate difference
v->SatErr = v->Out – v->OutPreSat; // Update the previous proportional output v->Up1 = v->Up;}



void pid_reg3_calc(PIDREG3 *v)
{ // Compute the error
v->Err = v->Ref – v->Fdb;
// Compute the proportional output
v->Up = v->Kp*v->Err;                      

// Compute the integral output
v->Ui = v->Ui +v->Ki*v->Up + v->Kc*v->SatErr;
// Compute the derivative output
v->Ud = v->Kd*(v->Up – v->Up1);

// Compute the pre-saturated output
v->OutPreSat = v->Up + v->Ui + v->Ud;// v->OutPreSat =(v->OutPreSat>>24);
// Saturate the output
if (v->OutPreSat > v->OutMax) v->Out = v->OutMax;
else if (v->OutPreSat < v->OutMin)
v->Out = v->OutMin; else
v->Out = v->OutPreSat; // Compute the saturate difference
v->SatErr = v->Out – v->OutPreSat; // Update the previous proportional output v->Up1 = v->Up;}




void pid_reg3_calc(PIDREG3 *v)
{ // Compute the error
v->Err = v->Ref – v->Fdb;
// Compute the proportional output
v->Up = v->Kp*v->Err;                      

// Compute the integral output
v->Ui = v->Ui +v->Ki*v->Up + v->Kc*v->SatErr;
// Compute the derivative output
v->Ud = v->Kd*(v->Up – v->Up1);

// Compute the pre-saturated output
v->OutPreSat = v->Up + v->Ui + v->Ud;// v->OutPreSat =(v->OutPreSat>>24);
// Saturate the output
if (v->OutPreSat > v->OutMax) v->Out = v->OutMax;
else if (v->OutPreSat < v->OutMin)
v->Out = v->OutMin; else
v->Out = v->OutPreSat; // Compute the saturate difference
v->SatErr = v->Out – v->OutPreSat; // Update the previous proportional output v->Up1 = v->Up;}

Yuqiao Hu:

回复 user1088122:


void pid_reg3_calc(PIDREG3 *v)
{ // Compute the error
v->Err = v->Ref – v->Fdb;
// Compute the proportional output
v->Up = v->Kp*v->Err;                      

// Compute the integral output
v->Ui = v->Ui +v->Ki*v->Up + v->Kc*v->SatErr;
// Compute the derivative output
v->Ud = v->Kd*(v->Up – v->Up1);

// Compute the pre-saturated output
v->OutPreSat = v->Up + v->Ui + v->Ud;// v->OutPreSat =(v->OutPreSat>>24);
// Saturate the output
if (v->OutPreSat > v->OutMax) v->Out = v->OutMax;
else if (v->OutPreSat < v->OutMin)
v->Out = v->OutMin; else
v->Out = v->OutPreSat; // Compute the saturate difference
v->SatErr = v->Out – v->OutPreSat; // Update the previous proportional output v->Up1 = v->Up;}


回复 Yuqiao Hu:

C:\TI\controlSUITE\libs\app_libs\motor_control 电机库在controlsuite以下位置

未经允许不得转载:TI中文支持网 » TI公司的PID程序,怎么感觉我所认知的PID不一样,求指教!(积分和微分的求法,怎么有点看不懂了)
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