28377s的lauchpad,如何写出pwm 6-11的程序,因为100管脚的芯片对应的pwm引脚和其他的不一致,例如pwm11a在lauchpad上连接的是p20,而在例程中为p165,而且不能更改为p20
user4997926:pwm9-11不能配置,因为引脚配置程序是EALLOW;//// Disable internal pull-up for the selected output pins// for reduced power consumption// Pull-ups can be enabled or disabled by the user.// This will enable the pullups for the specified pins.// Comment out other unwanted lines.//GpioCtrlRegs.GPFPUD.bit.GPIO163 = 1;// Disable pull-up on GPIO163 (EPWM10A)GpioCtrlRegs.GPFPUD.bit.GPIO164 = 1;// Disable pull-up on GPIO164 (EPWM10B)
//// Configure EPWM-6 pins using GPIO regs// This specifies which of the possible GPIO pins will be EPWM6 functional// pins.// Comment out other unwanted lines.//GpioCtrlRegs.GPFMUX1.bit.GPIO163 = 1;// Configure GPIO163 as EPWM10AGpioCtrlRegs.GPFMUX1.bit.GPIO164 = 1;// Configure GPIO164 as EPWM10B
28377s的lauchpad,如何写出pwm 6-11的程序,因为100管脚的芯片对应的pwm引脚和其他的不一致,例如pwm11a在lauchpad上连接的是p20,而在例程中为p165,而且不能更改为p20
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