Severity and Description Path Resource Location Creation Time Id
errors encountered during linking; "drv8711.out" not built drv8711 line 0 1437447729359 106
creating output section ".int15" without a SECTIONS specification drv8711 line 0 1437447729343 86
unresolved symbol code-start drv8711 line 0 1437447729359 103
unresolved symbol UCA0RXBUF, first referenced in ./COMM.obj drv8711 line 0 1437447729359 101
unresolved symbol UCA0TXBUF, first referenced in ./Task0.obj drv8711 line 0 1437447729359 102
creating output section ".int16" without a SECTIONS specification drv8711 line 0 1437447729343 87
creating output section ".int17" without a SECTIONS specification drv8711 line 0 1437447729343 88
creating output section ".int18" without a SECTIONS specification drv8711 line 0 1437447729343 89
creating output section ".int19" without a SECTIONS specification drv8711 line 0 1437447729343 90
creating output section ".int21" without a SECTIONS specification drv8711 line 0 1437447729343 91
creating output section ".int22" without a SECTIONS specification drv8711 line 0 1437447729343 92
creating output section ".int23" without a SECTIONS specification drv8711 line 0 1437447729343 93
creating output section ".int24" without a SECTIONS specification drv8711 line 0 1437447729343 94
creating output section ".int25" without a SECTIONS specification drv8711 line 0 1437447729343 95
creating output section ".int26" without a SECTIONS specification drv8711 line 0 1437447729343 96
creating output section ".int27" without a SECTIONS specification drv8711 line 0 1437447729343 97
creating output section ".int28" without a SECTIONS specification drv8711 line 0 1437447729343 98
creating output section ".int29" without a SECTIONS specification drv8711 line 0 1437447729343 99
creating output section ".int30" without a SECTIONS specification drv8711 line 0 1437447729343 100
entry-point symbol "code-start" undefined drv8711 line 0 1437447729359 104
no suitable entry-point found; setting to 0 drv8711 line 0 1437447729359 105
CCS v4.2.0.
hi,chao zhu2
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