//P1.6 pwm输出,P2.1捕获 int flag=0; unsigned int temp; char data[15] = {0x00}; void main() { WDTCTL = WDTPW+WDTHOLD; //stop WDT TA0CTL = TASSEL_2+MC_1+TACLR; //选择smclk,up to ccr0 TA0CCTL1 |= OUTMOD_7; CCR0 = 2000; //pwm 周期,频率1000000/2000=500HZ CCR1 = 1000; //占空比50% TA1CTL = TASSEL_2+MC_1+TACLR; //选择smclk,up to ccr0 TA1CCTL1 |= CM_3+SCS+CAP+CCIE;//捕获设置,上升沿下降捕获,同步,中断使能 P1SEL |= BIT6; P1DIR = BIT6; //P1.6 output,pwm的输出pin P2SEL |= BIT1; //P2.1作为捕获输入脚 //_BIS_SR(GIE); _EINT(); while(1) {while(flag){_DINT();flag=0;temp = TA1CCR1; //保存计数值/*sprintf(data,"%u",temp1);SendString(data);SendString("\r\n");注释部分为串口打印到电脑端查看TA1CCR1的值*/_EINT();} }
} #pragma vector=TIMER1_A1_VECTOR __interrupt void Timer_A1(void) {TA1CTL &= ~CCIFG;switch(TA1IV){case 2:flag = 1;break;case 4:break;case 10:break;}return; }
Lina Lian:
long huang2,
TI MSP430 code example中有个类似的例程,你可以参考一下。具体见附件,说明见下!
//******************************************************************************// MSP430G2xx3 Demo – Timer_A0, Normal Timer Mode Input Period and Dutycycle// measurement// Description: This code example implements input capture in single capture// mode using TimerA in normal timer mode. TA1.1 is configured to output PWM// of 25% dutycycle, that is used as capture input at TA0.1. TA0.1 is// configured as timer input capture that is triggered by both the rising and// the falling edges. An external connection between TA1.1 and TA0.1 is// required in this example. Rising and Falling edges are captured and the// dutycycle is computed. If the measured dutycycle is != 25%, then LED on// P1.0 is set.//// ACLK = LFXT1 = 32kHz crystal ; SMCLK = MCLK = 8 MHz;//// MSP430F51x2// —————–// /|\| XIN|-// | | | 32kHz// –|RST XOUT|-// | |// | P1.2/TA0.1|<– CCI1A <-|// | P2.1/TA1.1|–> CCR1 –>|// | |// | P1.0|–> LED "ON" when dutycycle != 25%// | |
Lina Lian:
回复 Lina Lian:
long huang2,
建议你把对应例程都下载下来吧,或者你已经安装了MSPWare, 具体方法如下:
1. 安装了MSPWare, 见此路径: C:\ti\msp430\MSPWare_2_21_00_39\examples\devices\MSP430G2xx
2. 直接下载对应code example,到TI官网, 搜索对应型号,进入产品页,Tools&software, 下可以看到。其他型号,也可以以类似的方法找。
MSP430G2x53, MSP430G2x33, MSP430G2x13, MSP430G2x03 Code Examples (Rev. F) (ZIP 471 KB ) 3,252 views, 18 May 2015