


yun li4:

回复 Lichen Wang:


Lichen Wang:

回复 yun li4:

yun li4操作flash需要257K~476K

That means +/- 30% is accurate enough. Very easy to do with DCO. For example, if SMCLK is from DCO set to between 600 and 900 kHz, Use FN=1 to divide by (1+1)=2 will result in a fFTG of between 300 and 450 kHz, well within the the acceptable range.

Using DCO for Flash operation has the additional advantage of being safer. Because no external component (such as a finicky crystal), is used, DCO is less likely to stop or fail.

A watch crystal at XT1 can be used to improve the accuracy of by software FLL. Other MSP430 chips may have hardware FLL. MSP430FRxxxx chips have factory Laser trimmed DCO.

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