
TDA4VM-Q1: cpsw9g does not support hardware PTP on SDK 08-00-00-08

Part Number:TDA4VM-Q1


We are using TDA4VM-Q1 on our product,we have connected 4 channel T1 ethernet from cpsw9g,and we want to use hardware PTP on these ports,but when we use ethtool to view ptp information,there just 'software-receive' displayed,the log is:

root@j7-evm:~# ethtool -T eth1                                                                      
Time stamping parameters for eth1:                                                                  
PTP Hardware Clock: none                                                                            
Hardware Transmit Timestamp Modes: none                                                             
Hardware Receive Filter Modes: none

The SDK version we are used is 'ti-processor-sdk-linux-j7-evm-08_00_00_08',we found in this SDK, the cpsw9g working at 'CPSW9g Virtual Client mode',if we want it work in 'CPSW9g Native Ethernet Switch mode',we must update the SDK version,but we already done a lot of work on this version,we don't want to change the SDK version.


1、If we continue to use SDK 08_00_00_08, how to enable 'software-transmit' PTP funtion;

2、If we want to use hardware PTP,the CPSW9g must working at Native Ethernet Switch mode?

3、If hardware PTP not supported on SDK 08_00_00_08, Do we have some patch on it or we must update our SDK version;


Hi wei,

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