
IWR1843: 关于测角模块(aoaprochwa.c)的EDMA配置

Part Number:IWR1843

1.在AoAProcHWA_config_EDMA 这个函数这里 这两个部分的EDMA配置的作用是什么?
2.Param set配置中Signature In是什么,为什么在2D/3D EDMA Out的配置中就没有?

Chris Meng:


请参考论坛讨论:AWR1843BOOST: Some questions about awr1843 demo in sdk – Sensors forum – Sensors – TI E2E support forums




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Chris Meng:

The shadow link EDMA parameter set is used to reload the original EDMA parameter set for a particular channel once the transfer is complete. This is called linking, and is an EDMA specific detail. Please refer to the EDMA user guide to see how this is implemented and its use cases.

The hot signature channel is used to trigger the HWA. The signature channel copies a one-hot signature word to the DMA2ACCTRIG register to trigger a HWA parameter set. This is a way to trigger the HWA, and is a HWA specific implementation detail. Please refer to the HWA user guide for more details. 

The signature channel is configured to run after some other channel which copies data in/out of HWA RAM. This is accomplished by chaining of the EDMA channels, which is an EDMA specific feature. 


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非常感谢,是我看漏了,不好意思。另外,还有个问题,就是如果我需要重新配置EDMA并使用它,还需要做代码中“physical Input/Output channel is initially set to dummy channel”的这一步吗?

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