
BOOSTXL-DRV3245AQ1: How to get DRV3245 Assumed Safety Goals

Part Number:BOOSTXL-DRV3245AQ1

We note that the Safety manual for BQ79731(another TI chip fulfill ISO26262) contains the assumed safety goals of the chip as SEooC.
By analogy with DRV3245, we did not find relevant information in the DRV3245 safety manual and FMEDA.

Is there any relevant document describing the assumed safety goal of DRV3245?

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Customer defined ECU level safety requirement is “ If a internal SPF of DRV3245 is detected,enter the brake mode(high side in high impendance & low side close) and hold it for at least defined time before shutdown DRV3245 ”. May I ask whether the DRV3245 assumed safety goal can correspond to this requirement?




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