

After the light-emitting command is given in the OTDR mode, the chip has no light or the lig htemitting time is short. The chip is abnormal at ambient temperature of 25 ° C, and the chip can return to normal when the ambient tempe rature is increased to 55 ~ 65 ° C. The chip is abnormal at 25 °C ~ 75 °C, and the temperature is reduced to-15 °C. The chip has failure at three temperatures.Cross-validation of de fective products to locate chip abnormalities. We did IV test on 2pcs of defective products and found that the pins of AVDD PIN8-AVSS PIN4 8 were abnormal, and then opened the cover for X-ray test and found that the defective pieces had bright spots.

liguo zhang:

OTDR模式下给发光命令后,芯片无出光或者出光小时间短暂。芯片在常温环境温度25°C下异常,将环境温度提高到55~65°C后芯片能恢复正常。我们对不良品进行交叉验证定位位芯片异常。找第三方检测中心测IV曲线及开盖,看到NG品AVDD PIN8-AVSS PIN4 8 异常,开盖后发现有亮点,不知道是芯片本身不良还是我们生产操作造成


Vivian Gao:


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