
TMS320F28234: MCU異常(台達電子客訴)

Part Number:TMS320F28234

近期有一起案件,是我司的UPS 有使用到到貴司MCU,因客戶端現場UPS出現異常,但卻沒有事件紀錄的存在


1. Detail TI device failure symptom (including any available test logs, oscilloscope traces, Failure pin, failure data Vs TI datasheet, etc.)* 

Ans: RAM memory data changes abnormally during MCU operation. RAM memory location where values ​​may change: address 0xE10E, 0xE10D, 0xE10F, 0xE106, 0xE105, 0xE8CE.

2. Please clarify the reason the device is suspected to be non-conforming to the datasheet.

Ans: Through static program analysis tools, there is no possibility that the program may miswrite memory. So I want to check if there is any abnormality in the memory.

3. Is there pin-to-pin open/short or pin impedance anomaly when comparing with a known good unit? which pin?

Ans : No abnormality

4. Please provide device clear topside or backside marking pictures: ( the marking should be easily distinguish)

Vivian Gao:


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