Part Number:TMS320C6748
Hello, I am new to TMS320C6748 board. I wanted to setup SPI connection between this board as master and any other sensor as slave using 3 pin mode. I am not getting any direct sample code for it.
I am sharing my code. Currently it's BITERRFLG is getting set, which giving generating an error.
Please help.
Your early assistance is appreciated.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <\ti\pdk_C6748_2_0_0_0\C6748_StarterWare_1_20_03_03\include\hw\hw_psc_C6748.h> #include <\ti\pdk_C6748_2_0_0_0\C6748_StarterWare_1_20_03_03\include\psc.h> #include <\ti\pdk_C6748_2_0_0_0\C6748_StarterWare_1_20_03_03\include\hw\soc_C6748.h> #include <\ti\pdk_C6748_2_0_0_0\C6748_StarterWare_1_20_03_03\drivers\psc.c> #include <\ti\pdk_C6748_2_0_0_0\C6748_StarterWare_1_20_03_03\include\spi.h> #include <\ti\pdk_C6748_2_0_0_0\C6748_StarterWare_1_20_03_03\include\hw\hw_spi.h> #include <\ti\pdk_C6748_2_0_0_0\C6748_StarterWare_1_20_03_03\drivers\spi.c> #define SPIGCR0 0x0000 #define SPIGCR1 0x0001 #define SPIINT0 0x0002 #define SPILVL 0x0003 #define SPIFLG 0x0004 #define SPIPC0 0x0005 #define SPIPC1 0x0006 #define SPIPC2 0x0007 #define SPIPC3 0x0008 #define SPIPC4 0x0009 #define SPIPC5 0x000A #define SPIRES1 0x000B #define SPIRES2 0x000C #define SPIRES3 0x000D #define SPIDAT0 0x000E #define SPIDAT1 0x000F #define SPIBUF 0x0010 #define SPIEMU 0x0011 #define SPIDELAY 0x0012 #define SPIDEF 0x0013 #define SPIFMT0 0x0014 #define SPIFMT1 0x0015 #define SPIFMT2 0x0016 #define SPIFMT3 0x0017 #define INTVECT0 0x0018 #define INTVECT1 0x0019 void main() { PSCModuleControl(SOC_PSC_0_REGS, HW_PSC_SPI0, PSC_POWERDOMAIN_ALWAYS_ON,PSC_MDCTL_NEXT_ENABLE); volatile unsigned int * spi0_ptr = (unsigned int *)0x01C41000 ; unsigned int i,flg0,rx0; /* Configure SPI0 for master */ /* 1. Take the SPI0 out of reset */ spi0_ptr[SPIGCR0]=0x01; /* 2. Configure SPI0 for master */ spi0_ptr[SPIGCR1]=0x03; /* 3. Configure SPI0 for 3-pin mode */ spi0_ptr[SPIPC0]=0x0E00; /* 4. Chose SPI0 SPIFMT1 */ spi0_ptr[SPIDAT1]=0x01000000; /* 5. Configure SPI0 for WAITENA=1,SHIFTDIR=0,POLARITY=1,PHASE=0, CHARLEN=16 */ //spi0_ptr[SPIFMT1]=0x00221810; /* 6. Configure SPI0 for C2TDELAY=2,T2CDELAY=2,T2EDELAY=4,C2EDELAY=8 */ spi0_ptr[SPIDELAY]=0x02020408; //SPIDelayConfigure(SOC_SPI_0_REGS,0,0,20,20); /* 7. Configure SPI0 for polling */ spi0_ptr[SPIINT0]=0x00; /* 8. Enable SPI0 communication */ spi0_ptr[SPIGCR1]|=0x01000000; spi0_ptr[SPIFLG] &= 0xFFFFFFEF; /* 9. Handle data transfer and error checking using polling */ SPIClkConfigure(SOC_SPI_0_REGS, 150000000, 1000000, SPI_DATA_FORMAT1); /* Wait for master receive data */ for(i=1;i<0x10000;++i){spi0_ptr[SPIDAT0] = 0x00; } while(1){ unsigned int a = SPIDataReceive(*spi0_ptr); printf("0x%02X\n",a);rx0=spi0_ptr[SPIBUF]&0xFFFF;printf("0x%02X\n", rx0); flg0=spi0_ptr[SPIFLG]; if(flg0&0x10){ printf("Master bit transmission error\n"); exit(5); } if(flg0&0x08){ printf("Master detected slave desynchronization error\n"); exit(6); } if(flg0&0x02){ printf("Master detected slave timeout error\n"); exit(7); } if(flg0&0x100) break; else if(flg0){ printf("Unknown master error\n"); exit(8); } } rx0=spi0_ptr[SPIBUF]&0xFFFF; printf("0x%02X", rx0); }
Vivian Gao:
Jonathan has already asked the experts on the English forum for you, please refer to the answers in link below…/tms320c6748-spi-communication-with-ads1298