Part Number:IWR6843ISK
你好,我想将DCA1000结合mmwave studio采集的原始数据处理成点云和距离多普勒图序列,请问我使用下面这个地址的代码能够实现这个点云的提取么?
"C:\ti\mmwave_sdk_03_06_01_00-LTS\packages\ti\demo\parser_scripts\" 。
如果不能够从mmWave studio导出.cfg文件,我听说mmWaveSensingEstimator和demo visualize上能够导出.cfg的文件,但是他们不能够复现mmwave studio的配置内容。
Hello, I want to process the original data collected by DCA1000 and mmwave studio into a sequence of point clouds and distance Doppler graphs. Can I use the following address code to achieve the extraction of this point cloud?
I need the.cfg file because this code needs the.cfg file.
If you cannot export a.cfg file from mmWave studio, I heard that mmWaveSensingEstimator and demo visualize can export a.cfg file, but they cannot visualize the mmwave studio configuration.
How can I solve this problem?
Chris Meng:
好像没有简便的方法,你需要手动根据mmwave studio的配置修改现有的cfg文件。