Part Number:AWRL1432BOOST
SWRS296A 文档中给出了GPADC的 sampling time为 300ns
假设 XTAL clock的时钟为40MHz,那么 采集一个sample的周期是1.203us, 那么ADC sampling time = 300ns是指哪部分时间?
ADC sampling time= 300ns,是否包含在 collect sample period之中?
感谢您对TI产品的关注!关于你的咨询, 请参考下面的解释说明。
The ADC sampling time is determined by two parameters in the chirpComnCfg: DigOutputSampRate and NumOfAdcSamples. This can be calculated by taking the number of ADC samples and dividing by the sampling rate. Note: the DigOutputSampRate specifies the decimator to be used to determine the sampling rate (sampling rate = 100 MHz/DigOutputSampRate). For example, if DigOutputSampRate = 32 (Sampling Rate = 3.125 MHz) and NumOfAdcSamples = 128, then the sampling time is 40.96 ns (128/3.125 MHz).
zhiyong wang:
感觉像是GPADC内部的 SARADC sampling 模拟信号的时间~