
TMS320F280039C: TMS320F280039C: Encountered issues while implementing LFU functionality

Part Number:TMS320F280039C

Hi Team,

 We are studying the save and update characteristics of LFU

We will update the project as follows:

Here is a question:

1. Background: There is a project that was updated according to the following configuration to obtain a new project, so these two projects are called the basic project and the new project.In the project, there are some global variables that are only defined but not called。


In the basic project, these global variables that are only defined but not called are assigned to RAM.

The RAM of the new project does not have the above variables, but the address where these variables are stored has not been assigned any other variables.

For example:

In the basic project, variables: global_var1 and global_var2 are defined but not called.

The addresses allocated in RAM are 0xa100, 0xa101.

There are no variables global_var1, global_var2 in the RAM of the new project,

But addresses 0xa100 and 0xa101 do not store any variables.


1.2 Question: How to configure CCS in the basic project so that only global variables defined but not called are not allocated to RAM?

1.3 Question: After completing item 1.2 and following the steps to update LFU, can the variables in the new project be continuously allocated in RAM?

Thanks and regards,

Joyce Wang

Vivian Gao:


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