
SK-AM68: Is able to run object detection from command line with SK-AM68 ?

Part Number:SK-AM68

Hi, Experts:

I bought SK-AM68 and tried demo of "Edge AI gallery".
I noticed the left side function of "Custom". The function is able to select Input type, Image and Model with GUI.
How to execute ONR-OD-xxx or TVM-OD-xxx from the command line?
In the case, is able to return resoult by file ?
Or, is there any API able to call for this?

By the way, I want to let SK-AM68 as a co-processor for object detection.
I think that is the easy/simple/lazy/fastest way to test/demo/apply/deploy TI AI solution.
Using gigaLAN/TCP input JPG and output/return result by XML/JSON/text.
If I finish this I will publish the code to gitHub.

Best Regards,


Gary Lu:


greatcat chen 说:I bought SK-AM68 and tried demo of "Edge AI gallery".I noticed the left side function of "Custom". The function is able to select Input type, Image and Model with GUI.How to execute ONR-OD-xxx or TVM-OD-xxx from the command line?In the case, is able to return resoult by file ?Or, is there any API able to call for this?

 I don't quite understand what you mean. Can you rephrase it?

greatcat chen 说:If I finish this I will publish the code to gitHub.

Wishing you all the best. Thank you for sharing




greatcat chen:

Hi, Gary:

For example,

input as :


results as:


Can I run ONR-OD-8220-yolox-s-lite-mmdet-coco-640×640 by minicom/UART ?

May I get the results as below in file?

(1)the 2 of strings : "vase" "food/orange"

(2)the 2 of green rectangle x-y position and width / height

Best regards,



Gary Lu:

Hello Greatcat,

To run the ONR-OD-8220-yolox-s-lite-mmdet-coco-640×640 model and obtain the results through a command-line interface, you'll typically need a software stack that includes the necessary tools and libraries for running inference with this specific model.

For instance, if you're using a Python script to run inference, you can use libraries like OpenCV or TensorFlow to load the image and process the results. Then, you can use file I/O operations in Python to write the results to a file.




greatcat chen:

Hi, Gary:

I see that the OS comes with official command line demo at 


Test step:


/etc/init.d/edgeai-launcher.sh stop


cd /opt/edgeai-gst-apps/tests/


sh test_all_models.sh

The demo supports python and CPP. 

The config file /opt/edgeai-gst-apps/tests/test_config.yaml comes with some magic parameter.

I extract them and put to 


Then test by command line (python)/opt/edgeai-gst-apps/apps_python/app_edgeai.py -n -v /opt/edgeai-gst-apps/tests/t1/ONR-OD-8420.yamlor (CPP)/opt/edgeai-gst-apps/apps_cpp/bin/Release/app_edgeai -n -v /opt/edgeai-gst-apps/tests/t1/ONR-OD-8420.yaml

Best regards,


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