
TAS5825P: PVDD AGL/OTFB相关配置参数理解

Part Number:TAS5825P

Dear Ti QA team:


PVDD AGL/Thermal Foldback功能的调试页面,图中这5个数值如何理解,分别为:

1. Voltage and Temperature Scale(dB)

2. Voltage Scale(dB)

3. Temperature(dB)

4. PVDD Time Constants(ms)

5. Temperature Time Constants(ms)


Kailyn Chen:

关于Temperature Scale 和Temperature time constant的解释如下:

Temperature Scale:   When the temperature exceeds OTW, a threshold of (defined AGL threshold + Temp_Scale) will be applied to AGL threshold. Then smaller one of the User’s set AGL threshold and (set AGL threshold + Temp_Scale) will be applied as final AGL threshold to limit the output power. So if you feel your system is at risk of OTSD you can add a more aggressive temperature scale/time constant/attack to avoid OTSD

Temperature time constant:   this is the time window of the smoothing done by the Alpha filter on the real-time temperature data

PVDD foldback这里的意思是,TAS器件当检测到PVDD电压时,使用voltage scale的值去校验。 如果在PVDD Time Constants time PVDD时间常数内音频输出大于校验值,则会减少输出,不允许其超过校验值。



Tengfei Sheng:

请问,第一行中Voltage and Temperature Scale(dB)这个参数配置,与下面Voltage Scale 或者 Temperature Scale单独配置,有什么区别,具体怎么用?


Kailyn Chen:

Tengfei Sheng 说:Voltage and Temperature Scale(dB)这个参数配置,与下面Voltage Scale 或者 Temperature Scale单独配置,有什么区别

您好,我在TAS58xx tuning guide中3.3部分关AGL 部分的介绍中没有找到它们的区别,您可以看下:


另外,附图也是PPC3中关于Advance 特性中的参数设置,这篇关于TAS5825 Advanced features的应用手册中我看了下thermal foldback部分,没有对这两个参数做介绍:我个人理解的就是Voltage and Temperature Scale 的意思是Voltage scale和Temperature scale是一起设置的,而下面是分开设置的,可以设置不同的值:


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