
Why is the upper computer of TRF7970AEVM and RF430FRL152H unable to connect?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread:RF430FRL152H, TRF7970A

Using the serial assistant to send the command "0108000304FF0000" can receive a reply "TRF 7970AEVM", and using the upper computer of 7970A can also achieve functions such as reading UID, Blocks, registers, etc. The program burned for TRF7970A is the official "TRF7970A" engineering code, which cannot connect to the upper computer of RF430FRL152H and cannot read the temperature. How can I solve this problem? (Previously, I was able to successfully connect and read the temperature, but after using the JTAG burning program, I was unable to connect to the upper computer.)

Cherry Zhou:


Please allow some time for our experts to look into this issue and get back to you.



Cherry Zhou:


The TRF7970AEVM is not available anymore and no active support can be provided. You can search for existing E2E treads, for example in the “Similar Topics” section at the lower right of the thread page, or you can use the search engine of your choice to look for related E2E threads.


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