/* Overloaded version of math functions for float and long double removed */
/* from here, and include in cmath instead (see Section 26.5 of C++ standard */
/* for details). Thus cpp_inline_math.h is now included in cmath . */
这个意味着下载cmath就可以进行long double精度的数据运算么?
mangui zhang:供参考
CLAF2806x_Cla_typedefs.h 头文件的定义为:
#ifndef DSP28_DATA_TYPES
#define DSP28_DATA_TYPES
typedef short int16;
typedef long int32;
typedef unsigned char Uint8;
typedef unsigned short Uint16;
typedef unsigned long Uint32;
typedef float float32;
typedef long double float64;
/* Overloaded version of math functions for float and long double removed */
/* from here, and include in cmath instead (see Section 26.5 of C++ standard */
/* for details). Thus cpp_inline_math.h is now included in cmath . */
这个意味着下载cmath就可以进行long double精度的数据运算么?
回复 mangui zhang:
比如一个问题,我定义2个long double a,b;
a = 35.92615701202078;
b = sqrt(a);
28335得到的b = 5.99384355545044
而MATLAB得到的b = 5.993843258879964;
然后在sqrt函数中看到其变量格式为FLOAT。。。所以进行的并不是LONG DOUBLE运算。
/* Overloaded version of math functions for float and long double removed */
/* from here, and include in cmath instead (see Section 26.5 of C++ standard */
/* for details). Thus cpp_inline_math.h is now included in cmath . */
这个意味着下载cmath就可以进行long double精度的数据运算么?
Susan Yang:可以实现64位浮点运算,但其是通过定点指令的乗加运算实现的,而不是通过FPU的浮点指令实现的,运算量会比较大些。
/* Overloaded version of math functions for float and long double removed */
/* from here, and include in cmath instead (see Section 26.5 of C++ standard */
/* for details). Thus cpp_inline_math.h is now included in cmath . */
这个意味着下载cmath就可以进行long double精度的数据运算么?
user78960159:可以关注下目前预发布的TMS320F28388 有64位浮点运算硬核
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