
AWR2243: AWR2243级联Frame循环方式

Part Number:AWR2243

您好,在dfp mmWaveLink_Cascade_Example中,先是调用rlFrameStartStop启动Sensor,再调用rlFrameStartStop停止,请问如果我启动后不停止,它会一直周期循环发送吗,还是说我需要不断调用函数发送frame


要看具体怎么配置的,可以看一下C:\ti\mmwave_dfp\mmwave_dfp_02_02_04_00\ti\control\mmwavelink\src\rl_sensor.c里的函数说明。/** @fn rlReturnVal_t rlFrameStartStop(rlUInt8_t deviceMap, rlFrameTrigger_t* data)** @brief Triggers/Stops Transmission of Frames* @param[in] deviceMap – Bitmap of devices to send the message* @param[in] data – Container for Frame trigger Configuration data** @return rlReturnVal_t Success – 0, Failure – Error Code** This function triggers/stops the transmission of the frames as per the frame and chirp* configuration. If trigger mode is selected as SW API based trigger, mmWaveFront end would* start chirp immediately after receiving this API. If trigger mode is HW SYNC IN pulse, it* would wait for SYNC pulse** @note 1: Once the chirping starts, mmWave Front end would send asynchronous event* RL_RF_AE_FRAME_TRIGGER_RDY_SB indicating the start of frame* @note 2: Once the chirping stops, mmWave Front end would send asynchronous event* RL_RF_AE_FRAME_END_SB indicating the stop of frame* @note 3: When Frame Stop command with 'option-0' is sent to RadarSS, the frame will be stopped * after completing all the chirps of a Frame/Advance frame (sub-frames). \n* @note 4: In non periodic Hw triggered mode or in sub-frame triggered mode, if frame needs to * be stopped immediately then frame stop command with 'option-4' can be used. The * 'option-4' can not be used when active frames are running. \n* @note 5: Recommended to re-issue frame configuration API if frame is not stopped at sub-frame * boundary, this is to re-config CSI2 or LVDS data path configuration in MSS. \n*/


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1. 发送stop指令后,就直接停止了。2. 是的。


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1. 不会一直循环发送。

2. 发射顺序是根据每个chirp使能的发射天线决定的,看chirpcfg的具体配置。


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1. 请问具体怎么配置一直循环发送的?2. 3,请看下面的MIMO文档。https://www.ti.com/lit/an/swra554a/swra554a.pdf

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