

Part Number:DRV8962


In the EVM the schematics are as described in the left image, how can I connect a single motor (as described in the right image) which was taken from the DRV8962 data sheet 



Cherry Zhou:

Hi Shai,

We're looking into this and will get back to you soon.



Cherry Zhou:

Hi Shai,

Shai Finkman said:In the EVM the schematics are as described in the left image, how can I connect a single motor (as described in the right image) which was taken from the DRV8962 data sheet 

Populate J22 and J24 with a jumper or a short wire, or just use two cable clips to connect the test points together (OUT1 to OUT2, and OUT3 to OUT4).  Then connect the motor to the OUT1 and OUT3 screw terminals. 

IN1 & IN2 need to be tied together. Also IN3 & IN4 need to be tied together.  Remove onboard IN2 and IN4 shunts from J4 and J8, and use clips or jumper wires to connect IN1 to IN2 (on driver side (right side) of J4), and similarly tie IN3 and IN4 together with a jumper wire.  


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