Part Number:SN75DP130
Our topology is "master-DP130-display"
- In ESD test, the standard is ±8kV, there is a black screen problem, we read the DP130 register, found that the 0X19 register changed from 18 to 10,.
- may I ask what this register represents?
- Is there any way to solve this black screen problem?
Kailyn Chen:
您好,我们可以直接使用中文沟通,0x18~0x1A寄存器没有具体含义, 如下。
并且这几个寄存器都是不需要修改的。ESD test下,只有这个寄存器的值发生改变了是吗?
tian zhang:
您好。ESD 2k/4k/6k/8k 均会黑屏,只有0X19,0X1A发生了变化。
Kailyn Chen: