
MSP430FR5043: 使用该方案进行燃气计量,在GUI中通过扫频来确定激励频率的问题

Part Number:MSP430FR5043



Ben Qin:



Ben Qin:


In the figure 18, it is a method to roughly determine the F1 and F2 selected range. You also need to adjust the F1 F2 frequency for the final configuration. Based on the description in the document. 

"Please note that after the initial evaluation is complete, for further system optimization and production, there should be at least two sweeps conducted: one at -35°C and one at 55°C. F1 should then be set around the 6dB from peak at 55°C. The frequency response is expected to shift to the left (lower frequency) at 55C. At -35°C, the frequency response is expected to shift to the right (higher frequency). F2 should be set to ~15kHz greater than the 6dB point for this sweep. The additional 15kHz of excitation is used to reduce the ring down of the transducer. If the transducer still has significant ring down excitation, F2 should be increased further. Also, the choice of -35°C and 55°C depends on the gas meter requirements."

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