Dear Sir/Madam
Good day!
I need a support on a TI part DS90LV019TMX,we have two D/C of the samples,one is 1933+5 another is 2029+5,COO are same is Malaysia. But when we do X-ray,we found the lead frame are different.Pls see below pictures.
May i know it's there any change of the wafer/lead frame after 2020 year and if has PCN of this change provide? We want to make sure they're correct then just start to use them.i just want to know why they're different. We are TI's loyal consumer,please advise your help.
Many thanks!
Best Regards,
Jeson Low
Jeson Low
Kailyn Chen:
Hello, where did you buy them?
Some change is based on a leadframe difference at the A/T site where these devices are assembled. With the supply shortage all over the world, there has also been a shortage on leadframes, so some of our A/T sites have had to go with slightly different leadframes.
In addition, you could also contact our customer service about this question:
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