Part Number:TMS320C6748Other Parts Discussed in Thread:OMAP-L138
已经使用内部的芯片内部的KEK对CEK进行加密后,使用官方提供的工具SecureHexAIS_OMAP-L138.exe和 .INI 文件C6748_generic_secure.ini对生成的 .out 文件进行加密,成功烧入SD NAND 后,无法boot起来,请问有什么解决办法吗?是因为.ini文件配置的原因吗?
; General settings that can be overwritten in the host code ; that calls the AISGen library. [General] ; Can be 8 or 16 - used in emifa busWidth=8 ; SPIMASTER,I2CMASTER,EMIFA,NAND,EMAC,UART,PCI,HPI,USB,MMC_SD,VLYNQ,RAW BootMode=MMC_SD ;none ; 8,16,24 - used for SPI,I2C AddrWidth=8 ; NO_CRC,SECTION_CRC,SINGLE_CRC crcCheckType=NO_CRC ; TRUE/ON or FALSE/OFF seqReadEn=ON ; Specify the symbol name for the boot finalize function ;FinalFxnSymbolName=none ; Security settings (keys, options, list of sections to encrypt, etc.) [Security] ; Security Type: GENERIC, CUSTOM, NONE securityType=GENERIC ; Boot Exit Type: NONSECURE, SECUREWITHSK, SECURENOSK ; NONSECURE = Device switches from secure type to non-secure type, jumping to loaded code ;(no secure kernel since no longer secure device). ; SECUREWITHSK = Device remains as secure type, secure kernel is loaded, allowing run-time ;security context switching. bootExitType=NONSECURE ; Option to include in the generated key header the flag to force the JTAG off ;genericJTAGForceOff=FALSE ; Encrypt section list (ALL or comma-separated list of section names) encryptSections=ALL ; CEK used for AES encryption of data - must be string of 32 hexadecimal characters ;encryptionKey=4A7E1F56AE545D487C452388A65B0C05 encryptionKey=efcdab89674523011032547698cadbfe ;encryptionKey=FA2E2CCC82EB537F0E8A7503C454525A ; Debug key ;keyEncryptionKey=0B94A91D33E597097F6C426F8F016872 ;keyEncryptionKey=FA2E2CCC82EB537F0E8A7503C454525A ; SHA Algorithm Selection genericSHASelection=SHA256 ; Binary file containing secure key header for generic device ;genKeyHeaderFileName=../Ini/ECEK.bin ; This section allows setting the PLL0 system clock with a ; specified multiplier and divider as shown. The clock source ; can also be chosen for internal or external. ;|------24|------16|-------8|-------0| ; PLL0CFG0: | CLKMODE| PLLM| PREDIV | POSTDIV| ; PLL0CFG1: | RSVD| PLLDIV1| PLLDIV3| PLLDIV7| ; ;PLL0 init for Core:456MHz, EMIFA:114MHz ;CPU_CLK = OSCIN(24MHz)÷(PREDIV+1)×(PLLM+1)÷(POSTDIV+1) ;= 24MHz ÷ (0+1) × (18 + 1) ÷ (0 + 1) = 456MHz ; [PLL0CONFIG] ; PLL0CFG0 = 0x00120000 ; PLL0CFG1 = 0x00000309 ; This section allows setting up the PLL1. Usually this will ; take place as part of the EMIF3a DDR setup. The format of ; the input args is as follows: ;|------24|------16|-------8|-------0| ; PLL1CFG0: |PLLM| POSTDIV| PLLDIV1| PLLDIV2| ; PLL1CFG1: |RSVD| PLLDIV3| ;[PLL1CONFIG] ;PLL1CFG0 = 0x00000000 ;PLL1CFG1 = 0x00000000 ; This section lets us configure the peripheral interface ; of the current booting peripheral (I2C, SPI, or UART). ; Use with caution. The format of the PERIPHCLKCFG field ; is as follows: ; SPI:|------24|------16|-------8|-------0| ;|RSVD|PRESCALE| ; ; I2C:|------24|------16|-------8|-------0| ;| RSVD |PRESCALE| CLKL | CLKH | ; ; UART:|------24|------16|-------8|-------0| ;| RSVD| OSR| DLH| DLL| ; [PERIPHCLKCFG] ; PERIPHCLKCFG = 0x00010098 ; This section allow setting the MPU1 or MPU2. If the ; rangenum is out of the allowed range then all the ranges ; (including the fixed range) take the start, end, and ; protection values. ;|------24|------16|----------8|----------0| ; MPUSELECT: |RSVD|mpuNum | rangeNum | ; STARTADDR: |startAddr| ; ENDADDR:|endAddr| ; MPPAVALUE: |mppaValue| [MPUCONFIG] MPUSELECT = 0x000001FF STARTADDR = 0x00000000 ENDADDR= 0xFFFFFFFF MPPAVALUE = 0xFFFFFFFF ; This section can be used to configure the PLL1 and the EMIF3a registers ; for starting the DDR2 interface. ; See PLL1CONFIG section for the format of the PLL1CFG fields. ;|------24|------16|-------8|-------0| ; PLL1CFG0: |PLL1CFG| ; PLL1CFG1: |PLL1CFG| ; DDRPHYC1R: |DDRPHYC1R| ; SDCR:|SDCR| ; SDTIMR:|SDTIMR| ; SDTIMR2:|SDTIMR2| ; SDRCR:|SDRCR| ; CLK2XSRC: |CLK2XSRC| ; ;PLL1 init for DDR:156MHz [EMIF3DDR] PLL1CFG0 = 0x0D000001 PLL1CFG1 = 0x00000002 DDRPHYC1R = 0x000000C3 SDCR = 0x00134632 SDTIMR = 0x264A2A09 SDTIMR2 = 0x4412C722 SDRCR = 0x40000260 CLK2XSRC = 0x00000000 ; This section allow setting the MPU1 or MPU2. If the ; rangenum is out of the allowed range then all the ranges ; (including the fixed range) take the start, end, and ; protection values. ;|------24|------16|----------8|----------0| ; MPUSELECT: |RSVD|mpuNum | rangeNum | ; STARTADDR: |startAddr| ; ENDADDR:|endAddr| ; MPPAVALUE: |mppaValue| ; ; This MPU control must happen after the DDR init or else the ; MPU control has no effect [MPUCONFIG] MPUSELECT = 0x000002FF STARTADDR = 0x00000000 ENDADDR= 0xFFFFFFFF MPPAVALUE = 0xFFFFFFFF ; This section can be used to configure the EMIFA to use ; CS0 as an SDRAM interface. The fields required to do this ; are given below. ;|------24|------16|-------8|-------0| ; SDBCR:|SDBCR| ; SDTIMR:|SDTIMR| ; SDRSRPDEXIT:|SDRSRPDEXIT| ; SDRCR:|SDRCR| ; DIV4p5_CLK_ENABLE: |DIV4p5_CLK_ENABLE| ;[EMIF25SDRAM] ;SDBCR = 0x00004421 ;SDTIMR = 0x42215810 ;SDRSRPDEXIT = 0x00000009 ;SDRCR = 0x00000410 ;DIV4p5_CLK_ENABLE = 0x00000001 ; This section can be used to configure the async chip selects ; of the EMIFA (CS2-CS5). The fields required to do this ; are given below. ;|------24|------16|-------8|-------0| ; A1CR:|A1CR| ; A2CR:|A2CR| ; A3CR:|A3CR| ; A4CR:|A4CR| ; NANDFCR: |NANDFCR| ;[EMIF25ASYNC] ;A1CR = 0x00000000 ;A2CR = 0x00000000 ;A3CR = 0x00000000 ;A4CR = 0x00000000 ;NANDFCR = 0x00000000 ; This section should be used in place of PLL0CONFIG when ; the I2C, SPI, or UART modes are being used. This ensures that ; the system PLL and the peripheral's clocks are changed together. ; See PLL0CONFIG section for the format of the PLL0CFG fields. ; See PERIPHCLKCFG section for the format of the CLKCFG field. ;|------24|------16|-------8|-------0| ; PLL0CFG0:|PLL0CFG| ; PLL0CFG1:|PLL0CFG| ; PERIPHCLKCFG: |CLKCFG| ; 如果想从串口启动的话需要这样配置,否则“GenericSecureUartHost.exe”工具 ; 会出现“操作已超时”,无法下载成功。 ; 这几句的作用是把CPU时钟配置为456MHz ; UART波特率配置为115200 ; Divisor= (CPU_CLK/2)/(baud_rate*16); [OSR = 0] ; Divisor= (CPU_CLK/2)/(baud_rate*13); [OSR = 1] [PLLANDCLOCKCONFIG] PLL0CFG0 = 0x00120000 PLL0CFG1 = 0x00000309 PERIPHCLKCFG = 0x00010098 ; This section should be used to setup the power state of modules ; of the two PSCs. This section can be included multiple times to ; allow the configuration of any or all of the device modules. ;|------24|------16|-------8|-------0| ; LPSCCFG: | PSCNUM | MODULE |PD| STATE | [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x00000003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x00010003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x00020003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x00030003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x00040003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x00050003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x00060003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x000B0003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x000C0003 ;使能后程序不能正常加载 ; [PSCCONFIG] ; LPSCCFG=0x000D0003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x000F0003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x01000003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x01010003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x01030003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x01040003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x01050003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x01060003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x01070003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x01090003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x010A0003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x010B0003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x010C0003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x010D0003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x010E0003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x010F0003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x01100003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x01110003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x01120003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x01130003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x01140003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x01150003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x01180003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x01190003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x011A0003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x011B0003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x011C0003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x011D0003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x011E0003 [PSCCONFIG] LPSCCFG=0x011F0003 ; This section allows setting of a single PINMUX register. ; This section can be included multiple times to allow setting ; as many PINMUX registers as needed. ;|------24|------16|-------8|-------0| ; REGNUM: |regNum| ; MASK:|mask| ; VALUE: |value| ;[PINMUX] ;REGNUM = 5 ;MASK = 0x00FF0000 ;VALUE = 0x00880000 ; No Params required - simply include this section for the fast boot function to be called ;[FASTBOOT] ; This section allows configuration of one the systme IOPUs. ; The iopuNum field must be valid (0-5) and then mppaStart ; and mppaend fields allow setting a range of mppa MMRs to the ; same supplied mppa value. ; IOPUSELECT: | RSVD | iopuNum| mppaStart | mppaEnd | ; MPPAVALUE: |mppaValue| [IOPUCONFIG] IOPUSELECT = 0x000000FF MPPAVALUE = 0xFFFFFFFF [IOPUCONFIG] IOPUSELECT = 0x000100FF MPPAVALUE = 0xFFFFFFFF [IOPUCONFIG] IOPUSELECT = 0x000200FF MPPAVALUE = 0xFFFFFFFF [IOPUCONFIG] IOPUSELECT = 0x000300FF MPPAVALUE = 0xFFFFFFFF [IOPUCONFIG] IOPUSELECT = 0x000600FF MPPAVALUE = 0xFFFFFFFF ; This section allow setting the MPU1 or MPU2. If the ; rangenum is out of the allowed range then all the ranges ; (including the fixed range) take the start, end, and ; protection values. ;|------24|------16|----------8|----------0| ; MPUSELECT: |RSVD|mpuNum | rangeNum | ; STARTADDR: |startAddr| ; ENDADDR:|endAddr| ; MPPAVALUE: |mppaValue| ;[MPUCONFIG] ;MPUSELECT = 0x000001FF ;STARTADDR = 0x00000000 ;ENDADDR= 0x00000000 ;MPPAVALUE = 0xFFFFFFFF ; This function allows the user to selectively open up the ; the debug TAPs of the device. Since the function is not ; executed until the signature is checked, it does not ; pose a security issue. ;|------24|------16|----------8|----------0| ; TAPSCFG: |RSVD|tapscfg| [TAPSCONFIG] TAPSCFG = 0x0000FFFF
Nancy Wang:
您好,我之前也参考了这篇文章,让NAND FLASH成功启动了,但是切换成了SD NAND就无法启动了。
Nancy Wang:
您好,麻烦问一下 .ini 文件中的这一部分
; Encrypt section list (ALL or comma-separated list of section names)encryptSections = ALL
它的作用是什么,该如何理解comma-separated list of section names这段话