
TPS61023: The inductance of TPS61023 is 0.47uH, and its output current reach 400mA. There is a big error with the actual 1.5A output of TI WEBENCH.

Part Number:TPS61023

In this circuit, this circuit can output up to 1.5A, but it can only output up to 400mA. After working for 1 minute, the TPS61023 will be damaged and will not work.

Do I need to replace an inductor ? Increase the inductance value to 1uH or 2.7uH to improve the output current of this circuit

Johnsin Tao:



     其次特别注意一下layout,输入电容尽量靠近芯片输入和电感输入端, 功率回路尽量小。


Antony Chiang:



Johnsin Tao:



未经允许不得转载:TI中文支持网 » TPS61023: The inductance of TPS61023 is 0.47uH, and its output current reach 400mA. There is a big error with the actual 1.5A output of TI WEBENCH.
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