Part Number:BQ27Z746Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQSTUDIO
2、进入ship 模式后,如何退出此模式?
Star Xu:
1,如果电流|Current()| > Sleep Current芯片就会唤醒,唤醒以后BQSTUDIO就是有电流。
2请参考TRM 6.3 SLEEP Mode
dongping bu:
我现在遇的问题是:当我通过 bqstudio下发命令进入SHIP模式后,再进行充放电操作时,表盘上无电流显示(实际是有电流的),SHIP和SHIPM两个标志位无法清除,必须要通过再次下发解除命令后才可以,这个操作状态是否是正常的,理论上充电应该是可以解除的才对(因为退出的方式里面有电流唤醒这一条件的)。谢谢!
Star Xu:
Star Xu:
您好,This is working as intended, SHIP mode will only be released when either IWAKE is tripped, Voltage >= Shipmode Voltage Threshold and SHIPM = 0, or SHIPM=1 and MAC Shipmode Disable command is receieved. IWAKE will only trip on discharge current, not charging current.
dongping bu:
Hello Star!
Thank you very much for your reply!
In the past two days, I have actually tested it. After entering ship mode with the command, whether it is charging or discharging (my IWAKE set 300mA, the actual charging and discharging were added to 1000mA), I cannot make BQ74Z746 exit SHIP mode. The only way is to send the SHIP exit command again, which is somewhat different from what is mentioned in the operation manual. All other modes are normal!
Star Xu:
Star Xu:
您好,How are you setting IWAKE? If you set it in the data memory tab it will not work as this does not actually change the protection trim. It must be set in the calibration tab in either protection threshold or protection tuning. If 300mA is the target then IWAKE should be set to -0.3 mV.