Part Number:TPS61378-Q1
Below is the schematic that used TPS61378-Q1 as the regulator to output 5V. The input voltage is 3.3V and use an external MOSFET to switch on or off this power input.
The waveform of the SW shows a convex plate both on the rising and falling edge. The internal power expert thinks that this may cause the high-side MOSFET and low-side MOSFET turn on simultaneously. Do you think there is a risk and could you explain why there is a convex plate especially on the falling edge.
Johnsin Tao:
建议严格参考datasheet layout, 特别注意SW脚,避免寄生参数。
Mark Dai:
Johnsin Tao:
Hi 只要不超过SW脚耐压风险就很小。