Part Number:TMS320C6748Other Parts Discussed in Thread:OMAP-L138
用URAT2往NANDFLASH烧录程序 Programming application into flash 进度条一直是0% 怎么解决啊
C:\>.\sfh_OMAP-L138 -flash_noubl -targetType C6748 -flashType NAND -p COM10 GPIO_LED2222222.ais
TI Serial Flasher Host Program for OMAP-L138
(C) 2014, Texas Instruments, Inc.
Ver. 1.67
[TYPE] Single boot image
[BOOT IMAGE] GPIO_LED2222222.ais
[TARGET] C6748
[NAND Block] 1
Attempting to connect to device COM10…
Press any key to end this program at any time.
(AIS Parse): Read magic word 0x41504954.
(AIS Parse): Waiting for BOOTME… (power on or reset target now)
(AIS Parse): BOOTME received!
(AIS Parse): Performing Start-Word Sync…
(AIS Parse): Performing Ping Opcode Sync…
(AIS Parse): Processing command 0: 0x58535901.
(AIS Parse): Performing Opcode Sync…
(AIS Parse): Loading section…
(AIS Parse): Loaded 19808-Byte section to address 0x11800000.
(AIS Parse): Processing command 1: 0x58535901.
(AIS Parse): Performing Opcode Sync…
(AIS Parse): Loading section…
(AIS Parse): Loaded 1364-Byte section to address 0x11804D60.
(AIS Parse): Processing command 2: 0x58535901.
(AIS Parse): Performing Opcode Sync…
(AIS Parse): Loading section…
(AIS Parse): Loaded 20-Byte section to address 0x118052F0.
(AIS Parse): Processing command 3: 0x58535901.
(AIS Parse): Performing Opcode Sync…
(AIS Parse): Loading section…
(AIS Parse): Loaded 16-Byte section to address 0x11805304.
(AIS Parse): Processing command 4: 0x58535906.
(AIS Parse): Performing Opcode Sync…
(AIS Parse): Performing jump and close…
(AIS Parse): AIS complete. Jump to address 0x11804620.
(AIS Parse): Waiting for DONE…
(AIS Parse): Boot completed successfully.
Waiting for SFT on the OMAP-L138…
Flashing application GPIO_LED2222222.ais (5764 bytes)
100% [ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ]
Image data transmitted over UART.
0% [ ———————————————————— ]
Programming application into flash…
请问是自己的板子么?请看一下DDR是否稳定?7.3 烧写中途停止OMAP-L138_Flash And Boot Utils 使用及编译指导
jj lv:
这几个文件,但是没具体说怎么修改 有点看不懂里面的代码
上面文档4. 根据硬件改动修改 serial flash utility里有讲具体怎么修改哪些参数。
jj lv:
NAND flash 的数据位宽配置在 OMAP-L138\Common\include\device_async_mem.h 文件中定义:
如果 NAND flash 更换的与 EVM 上的不同,必要时需要修改如下两个文件
里面说必要时需修改.c和.h两个文件 这两个文件不知道怎么修改 我的Flash型号和EVM上的不同
这两个文件主要配置nand flash的寄存器,根据您外接nand flash的读写时序并结合TRM上nand flash registers的说明修改。Table 20-48. External Memory Interface (EMIFA) Registers