


Failed Software Reset: Error 0x00000024/-1137 Error during: Register, Execution,   It appears that the target is being held in reset.  This may be due to Wait-In-Reset (WIR) configuration set by the EMU0=0 and EMU1=1 pin settings.  If this is the case, DISCONNECT all CONNECTED devices including icepick and then select RETRY to clear the WIR configuration.  If this is a multi-core system, the master CPU may not be releasing the DSP/MCU from reset.  Please check your configuration in CC_setup and/or your GEL file to ensure that nothing is blocking the DSP/MCU from being released from reset。






Failed Software Reset: Error 0x00000024/-1137 Error during: Register, Execution,   It appears that the target is being held in reset.  This may be due to Wait-In-Reset (WIR) configuration set by the EMU0=0 and EMU1=1 pin settings.  If this is the case, DISCONNECT all CONNECTED devices including icepick and then select RETRY to clear the WIR configuration.  If this is a multi-core system, the master CPU may not be releasing the DSP/MCU from reset.  Please check your configuration in CC_setup and/or your GEL file to ensure that nothing is blocking the DSP/MCU from being released from reset。

Jones Chen:

1. 您的EMU0,EMU1是否都是用4,7K电阻上拉到3.3V?

2. Reset引脚是什么状态?

3. 有4个引脚来配置要Boot到什么位置,您这四个引脚是否都是高电平?只有是高电平,才能Boot 到Flash中。

4. 我曾经写过一个文档,可以供你参考。但附件太大,明天会有专人回复。

未经允许不得转载:TI中文支持网 » TMS320F28016的JTAG连接不上的问题
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