
LAUNCHXL-CC1352R1: scifWaitOnNbl的使用問題

Part Number:LAUNCHXL-CC1352R1

  * \b Important: Unlike the ALERT event, the READY event does not generate MCU domain and System CPU
  * wake-up. Depending on the SCIF OSAL implementation, this function might not return before the
  * specified timeout expires, even if the READY event has occurred long before that. To avoid such
  * delays, call \c fwGenAlertInterrupt() from the task code block that \ref scifWaitOnNbl() is waiting
  * for to complete.

請問" call \c fwGenAlertInterrupt() from the task code block that \ref scifWaitOnNbl() is waiting for to complete." 此句的用意是?

看起來是要在sensor controller studio中, 加入fwGenAlertInterrupt() .

但是要怎麼跟scifWaitOnNbl() is waiting for to complete有相關聯呢?

Cherry Zhou:




Cherry Zhou:





此段是出現在scif_framework.c中的 scifWaitOnNbl function



/** \brief Waits for a non-blocking call to complete, with timeout  *  * The non-blocking task control functions, \ref scifExecuteTasksOnceNbl(), \ref scifStartTasksNbl()  * and \ref scifStopTasksNbl(), may take some time to complete. This wait function can be used to make  * blocking calls, and allow an operating system to switch context when until the task control interface  * becomes ready again.  *  * The function returns when the last non-blocking call has completed, or immediately if already  * completed. The function can also return immediately with the \ref SCIF_ILLEGAL_OPERATION error if  * called from multiple threads of execution with non-zero \a timeoutUs.  *  * \b Important: Unlike the ALERT event, the READY event does not generate MCU domain and System CPU  * wake-up. Depending on the SCIF OSAL implementation, this function might not return before the  * specified timeout expires, even if the READY event has occurred long before that. To avoid such  * delays, call \c fwGenAlertInterrupt() from the task code block that \ref scifWaitOnNbl() is waiting  * for to complete.  *  * \param[in]      timeoutUs  *     Maximum number of microseconds to wait for the non-blocking functions to become available. Use a  *     timeout of "0" to check whether the interface already is available, or simply call the control  *     function (which also will return \ref SCIF_NOT_READY if not ready).  *  * \return  *     \ref SCIF_SUCCESS if the last call has completed, otherwise \ref SCIF_NOT_READY (the timeout  *     expired) or \ref SCIF_ILLEGAL_OPERATION (the OSAL does not allow this function to be called with  *     non-zero \a timeoutUs from multiple threads of execution).  */SCIF_RESULT_T scifWaitOnNbl(uint32_t timeoutUs) {    if (HWREG(AUX_EVCTL_BASE + AUX_EVCTL_O_EVTOAONFLAGS) & AUX_EVCTL_EVTOAONFLAGS_SWEV0_M) {        return SCIF_SUCCESS;    } else {        return osalWaitOnCtrlReady(timeoutUs);    }} // scifWaitOnNbl


Cherry Zhou:



Cherry Zhou:


任务控制函数 scifExecuteTasksOnceNbl()不会阻止执行并立即返回。 但一次性只能调用这些函数一次:

例如,不能连续两次调用 scifExecuteTasksOnceNbl(),而不在两次调用之间等待。 在这两个呼叫之间等待 scifWaitOnNbl (timeout)。

当 CPU 等待 scifWaitOnNbl()时,可能进入睡眠状态。 如果sensor controller仅发布一个READY event并且需要一个ALERT event来唤醒,那么CPU 不会被唤醒。

如果 scifExecuteTasksOnceNbl()所调用任务的sensor controller代码中没有 fwGenAlertInterrupt(),则该任务仅生成READY event,因此 CPU 仅在timeout时唤醒。 但是该任务可能在这个timeout之前就已经完成执行。

如果您希望sensor controller上的任务完成后 CPU 立即唤醒,则可以让 fwGenAlertInterrupt()生成ALERT event。 这将唤醒 CPU。

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