Part Number:LAUNCHXL-CC1352R1
在Simple_peripheral中的advData1 有一個Public Target Address
請問此用途為何? 如果連接到的是Simple_central會發生什麼機制與反應?
Kevin Qiu1:
The Public Target Address data type defines the address of one or more intended recipients of an advertisement when one or more devices were bonded using a public address. This data type is intended to be used to avoid a situation where a bonded device unnecessarily responds to an advertisement intended for another bonded device.
意思是當一個peripheral連接到幾個不同的central時, 用public target address來區分是要傳給哪一個central是嗎?
這樣代表不同的central要從此peripheral的advData中去找出public target address?
或是只有public target address的central會收到此peripheral的advData, 其他central不會看到?
Kevin Qiu1:
Hugh 说:意思是當一個peripheral連接到幾個不同的central時, 用public target address來區分是要傳給哪一個central是嗎?