
DP83848C: 以太网ic rx的要求

Part Number:DP83848C


zhuyuan zhao:

DP83848C: requirements for Ethernet IC RX:

Hello, the TX of Ethernet chip has consistency test, which can confirm whether the output meets the requirements. Is there any method at RX  to confirm whether the input waveform meets the requirements of IC? thanks.


Kailyn Chen:

您好,我不知您参考的是哪份资料针对TX的,这里有一份关于How to Configure DP838xx for Ethernet Compliance Testing的应用手册,针对怎样配置DP83xx系列兼容性测试,希望对您有所帮助:



zhuyuan zhao:

Thank you for your reply. You're still talking about the near end eye diagram of TX (short line connection is described in the document). I want to know whether the signal transmitted through the network cable meets the requirements of Rx?


Kailyn Chen:

Unfortunately, we didn't have the compliance testing documents which is about  Ethernet RX. 


zhuyuan zhao:

Does the RX terminal have any requirements for the input signal? Such as jitter, amplitude?.thanks.


Kailyn Chen:

您好,RX是输出端,一般没有对输出的要求,因为输入信号的jitter,rise/fall time, duty cycle 的失真度等决定了输出信号的质量,决定了整个收发link的阈度。

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