
28377S 是Dcan,28335是Ecan,请问区别在什么地方,另外有28377,Dcan的例程可以参考吗?

28377S 是Dcan,28335是Ecan,请问区别在什么地方,另外有28377,Dcan的例程可以参考吗?

Green Deng:D_CAN比eCAN技术更先进。


For ECAN it was pretty simple to access CAN registers from the MCU-side: just read/write to the correct register address. However, this technique could be dangerous, if the developer does not care about potential access conflicts between the CAN-Communication Controller and the MCU.

For DCAN, the situation is different. Here, all accesses from MCU to CAN – registers are performed via interface registers IFx. A hardware logic takes care that potential collisions between CAN-CC and the new data/command in IFx are resolved.


28377S 是Dcan,28335是Ecan,请问区别在什么地方,另外有28377,Dcan的例程可以参考吗?

mangui zhang:

未经允许不得转载:TI中文支持网 » 28377S 是Dcan,28335是Ecan,请问区别在什么地方,另外有28377,Dcan的例程可以参考吗?
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