

Part Number:SK-TDA4VM

Hello! two questions.

1. I found that the struct of  sTIDL_LayerParams_t has no tanh function, is this is supported in tidl?

2. I want to use yolov5 model with tidl, and the output of the model is not only cls_conf, cls_id,box, but also with other information following box(e.g cls_conf, cls_id, xywh, theta1, theta2). Then if I want to infer the model with tidl-type, what steps should I take?

Cherry Zhou:

Hi we have received you questions and feedback to the engineer, please expect the response. Thanks!


Cherry Zhou:

yali su 说:. I found that the struct of  sTIDL_LayerParams_t has no tanh function, is this is supported in tidl?

We do support operators beyond the supported on C7x (list) on ARM with our open source run time offering (TFLite, ONNX RT and TVM DLR)
For most of the open source exchange formats such as Tensorflow, ONNX, tflite, etc.,  you can use our OSRT offering and get such operators executed on ARM

We do have some plan to support tanh operator on c7x but as per current road map its planned for SDK 9.1 release ( expected to be by end of next year).

yali su 说:2. I want to use yolov5 model with tidl, and the output of the model is not only cls_conf, cls_id,box, but also with other information following box(e.g cls_conf, cls_id, xywh, theta1, theta2). Then if I want to infer the model with tidl-type, what steps should I take?

  Sorry I cound't understand the part about inferring the model with tidl-type? What do you mean by tidl-type here?

Just be clear that if the customer on e2e is you or your colleagues, that we can  handle this question exactly.

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