Part Number:DRV8434Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8825,
能否如DRV8434P的datasheet内表7.3那样,给一张表清楚表明 AIN1/AIN2+ BIN1/BIN2控制双极步进电机的旋转方向和速度?谢谢!
Cherry Zhou:
Cherry Zhou:
您好请问您是需要我们提供DRV8434P的AIN1/AIN2+ BIN1/BIN2控制双极步进电机的旋转方向和速度?还是您需要DRV8434的表?
如果是8434的话,DRV8434没有 AINx 和 BINx 引脚。 速度是由步进引脚脉冲频率控制的,该频率决定输出电流变化率。
Bodhi Cheng:
Hi Cherry,
1: 我拟用DRV8434PPWPR
2:DRV8434PPWPR datasheet内的Table 7.3我了解,它定义了如何控制旋转方向
3:但DRV8434PPWPR datasheet内似没明确说明如何控制转速
4: “如果是8434的话,DRV8434没有 AINx 和 BINx 引脚。 速度是由步进引脚脉冲频率控制的,该频率决定输出电流变化率。”——这应就是我问的
Cherry Zhou:
Bodhi Cheng 说:我用的DRV8434PPWPR的引脚图如下:、
Bodhi Cheng:
I post my question in English for everyone who may concerned reading it seamlessly.
Dear All,
Question: How to control a bipolar stepper motor’s rotating direction and speed with DRV8434PPWPR’s AIN1/AIN2+ BIN1/BIN2 control pins?
I intend to use DRV8434PPWPR to drive a bipolar stepper motor.
When use drivers that have STEP/DIR Control mode, like well know and popular used DRV8825,it’s very clearly how to control the stepper motor’s rotating direction and speed with the IC’s STEP&DIR pins.
When it comes with Control mode of PH/EN-PWM, the means to control the rotating direction and speed(DRV8434PPWPR DATASHEET’s Table 7.3 shows the way to change the rotating direction, though), especially the speed may not be apparently illustrated.
Could you please kindly give me a table like Table 7.3【 DRV8434E/P Dual H-Bridge Motor Driver With Integrated Current Sense and Smart Tune Technology datasheet】, clearly stating how to control the direction and speed with DRV8434PPWPR’s AIN1/AIN2+ BIN1/ BIN2 control pins?
Thanks and regards,
Cherry Zhou:
Thanks for your interprets! And I will update the info to the engineer.
Please be noted that due to the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday, please expect delayed responses during the week of 11/22. Thanks for your comprehension!
Bodhi Cheng:
Cherry Zhou:
Bodhi Cheng:
Bodhi Cheng:
Bodhi Cheng:
Bodhi Cheng:
Cherry Zhou:
Bodhi Cheng:
Cherry Zhou:
请您参阅以下文档了解如何使用 PWM 接口器件驱动步进电机。
BMS – Power Tools (