
ADS7953: ads7953 auto-2 mode get data abnormal.

Part Number:ADS7953

Hi expert,

      my projet use ads7953 as adc use. my config is 

spi config  mode:0 speed :20000000  

in order  to make ads7953 work at auto 2 mode, write some register blow:

wr  0x4200

wr 0x400f

wr 0x9140

wr 0x3c40

wr 0x3840

wr 0x0000

then read 

read result is :

0x0000 chn=0 0 vol=0 0
0x0800 chn=0 0 vol=2048 2048
0x1000 chn=1 1 vol=0 0
0x1800 chn=1 1 vol=2048 2048
0x2000 chn=2 2 vol=0 0
0x2800 chn=2 2 vol=2048 2048

first is read value , chn is adc port index, vol is adc val,

my question is :

1. why chn is reduplicate?

2. why adc value is not reflect the real adc val?

3.how can i modify register val to make ads7953 work proper?

Thank you.

Amy Luo:




Amy Luo:


配置为spi mode 0是正确的,寄存器配置我也没看出问题,建议您使用示波器检查数字通信时序图,看其输出数据是否与预期数据一致,另外,各通道输入已知的直流信号,这样方便检查

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