
TLC3578: 利用stm32f103控制片子,返回的采样值不变化。

Part Number:TLC3578

u16 TLC3578_Write_Data(u16 data)
u16 a;
a = SPI2_ReadWriteByte(data);
return a;

Amy Luo:





yang li:



Amy Luo:




您是使用的Software Programmed Mode是吗?如果这样的话,上电后主控制器需要先写A000H,然后才能WRITE CFR配置TLC3578



/* FILENAME: main.c*/
/* DESCRIPTION: This program uses the MSP430F449 to read 500*/
/*samples from the TLC3578 EVM board.*/
/*The samples are display on the LCD Screen of the HPA449.*/
/*Refer to the .map file created by the compiler for the*/
/*address in memory for adc_data*/
/*AUTHOR: T. Hendrick, Data Acquisition Products,*/
/*Dallas Texas*/
/*VERSION: 01*/
#include <msp430x44x.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "SBLCDA2.h"#define Resonator (0)/***************************************************************/#define Samples 200
#define UD_P1_C(0xD1)
#define UD_P2_H(0x76)/**************** Function prototypes ***********************************/
void init_sys(void);/* MSP430 Initialisation routine*/
void setupClock(int);
void init_adc(void);/* adc initialisation routine*/
void delay(int);/* Software delay*/
void TX_complete(void);/* Transmit / Receive ready*/
void RX_complete(void);/* Transmit / Receive ready*/
void adc_convert(int);/* Do the adc conversion*/
void adc_convertCH1(int);/* Do the adc conversion*/
void display(void);/* Indicate Program complete*/
void InitializeLCD( void );
void clearDisplay( void );
void clearMajor( void );
void sortMajor( unsigned int );
void sortFloat( double );
void displaySpecial( long int );
void displayMinor( int, int );
void displayHPA449(void);
void displayTest(int, int);/**/
/* Global variable declarations*/
/************************************************************************/intadc_data[Samples];// Storage for converted data
intadc_dataCH2[Samples];// Storage for converted data
intbyte0, byte1, byte2, byte3, trash;int i, j, min, max, CH = 0;
double result, value;/************************************************************************/
/* Local Functions*/
double display_volts(int *codes, int ct)
{int i;double sum=0, average=0;for (i=0;i<ct;i+=10)sum += ((codes[i]*.001220703125)-10);average = sum/(ct/10);return average;
/* main() variable declarations*/
/************************************************************************/#defineADC_FS0x20//p3.5#defineADC_CS0x80//p3.7void main(void)
{setupClock(Resonator);init_sys();// Initialise the MSP430init_adc();InitializeLCD();clearDisplay();displaySpecial(SoftBaugh);do {for(i=0; i<Samples; i++){adc_convert(i);// Do conversions from each channeldelay(0);adc_convertCH1(i);// Do conversions from each channel//displayTest(CH, i);}clearMajor();displaySpecial(SoftBaugh|AR);}while (1);//
/* Prototype - init_sys*/
/*This prototype initialises the MSP430F149*/
void init_sys(void)
{/* Local function prototype*/
void setupports(void);/* Local function prototype*/
void setupSPI(void);/* Local function prototype*/setupports();
setupSPI();_EINT();// Enable interrupts
/* Prototype - setupClock*/
/*This prototype sets-up the XT2 oscillator and tests*/
/*that it has settled before moving on*/
void setupClock (int RES)
{switch (RES){case0:{ WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD;/* D=2, N=121, no mod */SCFQCTL=121;// SCFI0 = 0100 0100SCFI0=0x44;// DCOPLUS=1, XTS_FLL=0// XCAPXPF=00FLL_CTL0=0x80;// SMCLK=0, XT2OFF=1, SELMX=00, SELS=0, FLL_DIVX=10// FLL_CTL1= 0010 0010FLL_CTL1=0x22;}break;case1:{ WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD;// Stop watchdog timerFLL_CTL0&=XT2OFF;// Switch on the XT2 osc.FLL_CTL1|=SELM_XT2+SELS;// Select XT2 osc. for// Test the osc. flag bitdo {IFG1 &= ~OFIFG;// Clear the OFIFG bit} while (OFIFG&IFG1);//}break;}
/* Prototype - setupports*/
/*This prototype sets-up the GPIO ports as appropriate*/
void setupports (void)
// SPI port for ADC
P3SEL = BIT3 + BIT2 + BIT1;// Bits 3, 2 & 1 are assigned as SPI specific pins
P3DIR = ADC_FS + ADC_CS;// Set the ADC_CS bit as an output
P3OUT = ADC_FS + ADC_CS;// De-assert ADC_CS for the adc - HIGH//SetupInterrupts
P1IFG |= 0x00;
P1IES |= 0x40;
P1IE |= 0x40;
/* Prototype - setupSPI*/
/*This prototype sets-up the P3 for communication via SPI */
void setupSPI (void)/************************************************************/
/* System definitions*/
ME1 |= USPIE0;// Module Enable - SPI//
U0CTL &= ~SWRST;// Make sure the RESET bit is off
U0CTL |= CHAR + SYNC + MM;// USART0 module operation// CHAR = 1 => 8-bit data// SYNC = 1 => SPI selected// MM = 1 => master mode,//MSP is the master
U0TCTL |= SSEL0 + SSEL1 + STC;// USART0 Tranmit control register// SSEL0 = 1 & SSEL1 = 1// => SMCLK is used for baud-rate generation// STC = 1 => 3-pin SPI mode selectedU0BR0= 0x02;// Divide SMCLK by 4 => transfer clock
U0BR1= 0x00;//
U0MCTL = 0x00;// Modulation control - not used. Ensure// all these bits are reset
/* Prototype - init_adc*/
/*This prototype sets-up the TLV2553 ADC*/
void init_adc (void)
P3OUT |= (ADC_FS);// Assert ADC_CS LOW
P3OUT &= ~(ADC_CS);// Assert ADC_CS* LOW
while ((IFG1 & UTXIFG0) == 0);
trash = U0RXBUF;
U0TXBUF = 0xA2;// Start SCLK to ADCwhile ((IFG1 & UTXIFG0) == 0);
trash = U0RXBUF;
U0TXBUF = 0x00;// Start SCLK to ADCwhile ((IFG1 & UTXIFG0) == 0);
trash = U0RXBUF;
U0TXBUF = 0x00;// Start SCLK to ADwhile ((IFG1 & UTXIFG0) == 0);
trash = U0RXBUF;
U0TXBUF = 0x00;// Start SCLK to AD
P3OUT |= (ADC_CS);// De-assert ADC_CS* HIGH
/* Prototype - delay*/
/*This prototype gives a delay of around 1 second*/
void delay(int time){unsigned int i;for (i = 0; i < time; i++);}/************************************************************/
/* Prototype - convert*/
/*This prototype does the adc conversion*/
void adc_convert (int cnt)
P3OUT &= ~(ADC_CS);// Assert ADC_CS LOW
while ((IFG1 & UTXIFG0) == 0);byte0 = U0RXBUF;// Store this data in the hi-byte variable.U0TXBUF = 0x00; //CH<<4;// Send clocks to the ADC, this shiftswhile ((IFG1 & UTXIFG0) == 0);byte1 = U0RXBUF;// Store this data in the hi-byte variable.U0TXBUF = 0x00;// Send clocks to the ADC, this shiftswhile ((IFG1 & UTXIFG0) == 0);byte2 = U0RXBUF;// Store this data in the hi-byte variable.U0TXBUF = 0x00;// Send clocks to the ADC, this shiftswhile ((IFG1 & UTXIFG0) == 0);byte3 = U0RXBUF;// Store this data in the hi-byte variable.U0TXBUF = 0x00;// Send clocks to the ADC, this shiftsdelay(10);// sampling.
P3OUT |= (ADC_CS);// De-assert ADC_CS HIGHadc_data[cnt] = ((byte2 << 8 | byte3 )>>2 & 0x3FFF);}void adc_convertCH1 (int cnt)
P3OUT &= ~(ADC_CS);// Assert ADC_CS LOW
while ((IFG1 & UTXIFG0) == 0);byte0 = U0RXBUF;// Store this data in the hi-byte variable.U0TXBUF = 0x01; //CH<<4;// Send clocks to the ADC, this shiftswhile ((IFG1 & UTXIFG0) == 0);byte1 = U0RXBUF;// Store this data in the hi-byte variable.U0TXBUF = 0x00;// Send clocks to the ADC, this shiftswhile ((IFG1 & UTXIFG0) == 0);byte2 = U0RXBUF;// Store this data in the hi-byte variable.U0TXBUF = 0x00;// Send clocks to the ADC, this shiftswhile ((IFG1 & UTXIFG0) == 0);byte3 = U0RXBUF;// Store this data in the hi-byte variable.U0TXBUF = 0x00;// Send clocks to the ADC, this shiftsdelay(10);// sampling.
P3OUT |= (ADC_CS);// De-assert ADC_CS HIGHadc_dataCH2[cnt] = ((byte2 << 8 | byte3 )>>2 & 0x3FFF);}
void displayTest(int channel, int cnt)
{switch (channel){case0:displayMinor(5,UD_P1_C);displayMinor(4,UD_P2_H);displayMinor(3,UR_ZERO);displayMinor(2,UR_ZERO);sortFloat(display_volts(adc_data,Samples));break;case1:displayMinor(5,UD_P1_C);displayMinor(4,UD_P2_H);displayMinor(3,UR_ZERO);displayMinor(2,UR_ONE);sortMajor(adc_data[cnt]);break;case2:displayMinor(5,UD_P1_C);displayMinor(4,UD_P2_H);displayMinor(3,UR_ZERO);displayMinor(2,UR_TWO);sortFloat(display_volts(adc_data,Samples));break;case3:displayMinor(5,UD_P1_C);displayMinor(4,UD_P2_H);displayMinor(3,UR_ZERO);displayMinor(2,UR_THREE);sortFloat(display_volts(adc_data,Samples));break;case4:displayMinor(5,UD_P1_C);displayMinor(4,UD_P2_H);displayMinor(3,UR_ZERO);displayMinor(2,UR_FOUR);sortMajor(adc_data[cnt]);break;case5:displayMinor(5,UD_P1_C);displayMinor(4,UD_P2_H);displayMinor(3,UR_ZERO);displayMinor(2,UR_FIVE);sortMajor(adc_data[cnt]);break;case6:displayMinor(5,UD_P1_C);displayMinor(4,UD_P2_H);displayMinor(3,UR_ZERO);displayMinor(2,UR_SIX);sortFloat(display_volts(adc_data,Samples));break;case7:displayMinor(5,UD_P1_C);displayMinor(4,UD_P2_H);displayMinor(3,UR_ZERO);displayMinor(2,UR_SEVEN);sortFloat(display_volts(adc_data,Samples));break;}}#pragma vector=PORT1_VECTOR
__interrupt void CH_switch (void)
{_DINT();clearMajor();P1IFG &= ~BIT6;CH = CH + 1;if (CH >= 8) CH = 0;delay(1000);_EINT();

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