Hi 大大 請教一下
Design Capacity mAh : 8730 mA
OC Threshold : 300 mAh
OC Recovery : 2 mAh
OC RSOC Recovery : 90%
Overcharge Protection
The device can prevent continuing charging if the pack is charged in excess overFull Charge Capacity().
Remaining Capacity()≥Full Charge Capacity()AND
Internal charge counter ≥OC:Threshold
1.請教一下關於Internal charge counter 是指什嗎 哪個參數設定值? 在datesheet
2.是不是 只要累計容量 大於設定值300mAh 也就是 > 9030mAh 就會觸發
3. OC Threshold 改設定 2000mAh 會不會太大了
另外請教一下 修改下列的值 這關係到FC 判飽條件
我重新golden learning , learning 4 Cycle 是不是會比較精準
Charge Term Taper Current 250 mA→ 100mA
Charge Term Voltage 75mV → 50mV
Star Xu:
1,The Internal Charge Counter starts counting after RemCap reaches FCC during charging. The OC flag will get set after the Internal Charge Counter exceeds the Over Charge Threshold.
2,Remaining Capacity() ≥ Full Charge Capacity() 且容量超过 300 mAh
3,Remaining Capacity() ≥ Full Charge Capacity() 且容量超过 2000 mAh 会启动OC保护。这个值根据您的需求设置。