
BQ76952: DSG Additional Circuitry 相关问题咨询

Part Number:BQ76952


Star Xu:


DSG does not go below VSS, so without the clamp circuit of Q4 the gate of Q3 would remain near 0V and Q3 would operate in a source follower mode while a reverse charger was attached.  With Q4 on Vgs of Q3 is about 0, Q3 remains off and PACK+ falls to a negative voltage.  This creates a large voltage across R39 and R41 which are sized to dissipate the power required in that condition.  Since R39 and R41 are a large value to keep the power dissipation manageable, turn off would be slow, so D10 and R40 operate in parallel for DSG turn off to turn off the Q3 in a suitable time. 

See the application note https://www.ti.com/lit/pdf/sluaa09 section 2 for test result and additional description.

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