Part Number:TAS2553
你好,我用I2S模式,请问Register 0x03的DIN_SOURCE_SEL怎么填?
Kailyn Chen:
您好,如果您的DIN为 I2S 输入, 那么0x03 bit[7:5]=010, bit 5 配置为1 为PDM not selected。
关于bit3 DIN_SOURCE_SEL的这四种配置,我这边再确认下是否针对的输入为PDM 模式的。
zs chen:
Kailyn Chen:
00 = Muted, no data is played
01 = Only data content on the left channel is played
10 = Only data content on the right channel is played
11 = Mix of left and right channels is played
zs chen: