Part Number:TM4C123GH6PM
if(xQueueReceive(g_pLEDQueue, &i8Message, 0) == pdPASS)
// If left button, update to next LED.
if(i8Message == LEFT_BUTTON)
// Update the LED buffer to turn off the currently working.
g_pui32Colors[g_ui8ColorsIndx] = 0x0000;
// Update the index to next LED
if(g_ui8ColorsIndx > 2)
g_ui8ColorsIndx = 0;
// Update the LED buffer to turn on the newly selected LED.
g_pui32Colors[g_ui8ColorsIndx] = 0x8000;
// Configure the new LED settings.
// Guard UART from concurrent access. Print the currently
// blinking LED.
xSemaphoreTake(g_pUARTSemaphore, portMAX_DELAY);
UARTprintf("Led %d is blinking. [R, G, B]\n", g_ui8ColorsIndx);
// If right button, update delay time between toggles of led.
if(i8Message == RIGHT_BUTTON)
ui32LEDToggleDelay *= 2;
if(ui32LEDToggleDelay > 1000)
ui32LEDToggleDelay = LED_TOGGLE_DELAY / 2;
// Guard UART from concurrent access. Print the currently
// blinking frequency.
xSemaphoreTake(g_pUARTSemaphore, portMAX_DELAY);
UARTprintf("Led blinking frequency is %d ms.\n",
(ui32LEDToggleDelay * 2));
// Turn on the LED.
// Wait for the required amount of time.
vTaskDelayUntil(&ui32WakeTime, ui32LEDToggleDelay / portTICK_RATE_MS);
// Turn off the LED.
// Wait for the required amount of time.
vTaskDelayUntil(&ui32WakeTime, ui32LEDToggleDelay / portTICK_RATE_MS);
这是上面freertos demo里的例程的led.c,看不懂,帮帮我吧,谢谢朋友们
Susan Yang:
fengtuotuo feng:
if(i8Message == LEFT_BUTTON) { // // Update the LED buffer to turn off the currently working. // g_pui32Colors[g_ui8ColorsIndx] = 0x0000;
// // Update the index to next LED g_ui8ColorsIndx++; if(g_ui8ColorsIndx > 2) { g_ui8ColorsIndx = 0; }
fengtuotuo feng:
Susan Yang:
若是可以的话,请给出您下载例程的链接。单从代码来看,g_ui8ColorsIndx代表的是LED buffer,以给该buffer赋值来决定LED的状态,类似引脚的寄存器,当赋值为0时,代表led灭掉