Part Number:TMS570LC4357
Hi all:
I follow the recommanded flash erasing flow to erase the eeprom(bank 7). However something wrong happened, when I finished erasing whole bank 7, then writing data to it, the MCU will reboot forever.
Here below is my erasing code, btw, I have init the flash bank upper:
nRetVal = (U32) Fapi_setActiveFlashBank((Fapi_FlashBankType) (U32)Fapi_FlashBank7);
nRetVal = (U32) Fapi_enableEepromBankSectors((U32) 0xFFFFFFFFu, (U32) Q_F021_EE_SECTORS_63_32_DISABLED);
nRetVal = (U32) Fapi_issueAsyncCommandWithAddress(Fapi_EraseSector,0xF0200000u);
F021_flashWaitForReady(0); /* wait if FSM is busy */
Fapi_flushPipeline(); /* defensively to flush buffers after every content modification */
I am not sure about the function "Fapi_issueAsyncCommandWithAddress(Fapi_EraseSector,0xF0200000u)", the variable 0xf0200000.
I want to erase the whole bank 7, so I think the start_addr is the start address of bank7.
Also, is there any write-protection for this bank 7 ?
Susan Yang:
Susan Yang: