
TMS570LS1224: Need to operate flash to use the bootloader function

Part Number:TMS570LS1224


1.How does flash operate erase and write;

2.How does hCG software configure things related to flash when operating flash;

3.Can i read the flash address directly from the absolute address value? Do i need to call the flash read interface;

Operation already attempted:

1.Use the official F021 library to migrate to the project. Since TMS570LS1224 has only one main BANK0 area, copy the flash API to RAM for operation, and the operation is stuck in oReturnCheck = Fapi_initializeFlashBanks(160); Final entry _ dabort function;

2.Erase BANK7 and EEPROM areas. The software can erase, read and write when using bare metal. However, after using FreeRTOS, you cannot erase and read / write.

Susan Yang:



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